God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10 NLT)
One of our strong desires as parents is for our kids to find a place of belonging in the world. We want our kids to know that who they are and what they have to offer is important and valuable, and spiritual gifts are one of the ways God empowers us to find belonging and purpose in the world. Helping our kids discover and use their spiritual gifts well will help them see the bigger picture of how they fit into Gods kingdom.
God made each and every one of our kids uniquely and he gave them all spiritual gifts. Some of these gifts are: teaching, serving, administration, hospitality, mercy, prayer, and more. Spiritual gifts are meant to be used to bring glory to God and using them becomes a testimony of how he has worked in our lives.
This week lets pray that as our kids follow the Lord, they discover their spiritual gifts, grow into them, and that they are presented with opportunities to use them to serve Gods kingdom. Lets also ask God to help us recognize spiritual gifts in our kids and to share what we see with them.
Dear God, thank you for the spiritual gifts that you have given ________________. Please reveal to me and to them what those gifts are and show us how you want to use these gifts to encourage others and bring others to Christ. Help them to start to see your purpose for them and to boldly use their gifts to please you! I know you will use them in mighty and awesome ways! Remind my child to value the gifts that you have given them over the things that this world values.
Spiritual Gifts test mentioned in episode: https://www.lifeway.com/en/articles/women-leadership-spiritual-gifts-growth-service
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Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
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This weeks episode is packed with insights and practical advice for navigating the complexities of parenting during the middle school years. Im joined by Steph Thurling, and together we dive into balancing love, independence, and the continuous learning process of parenting.
Here are four key takeaways from this episode:
- Parenting evolves as children grow, and middle school years often require creative ways to re-engage with your kids.
- Allowing children to experience failure helps them develop responsibility and confidence.
- Overparenting can hinder independenceparents should guide their children through problems, not shield them from them.
- Self-care for parents is crucial to maintaining balance and avoiding guilt in the parenting journey.
Steph Thurling is the executive director of Christian Parenting and the host of the Christian Parenting podcast where she encourages parents every week to be the imperfectly perfect parent God created them to be. She is also an author, speaker, and advocate for empowering parents to create lasting family connections.
I love working alongside Steph at Christian Parenting. Shes a delight and filled with wisdom and encouragement.
(01:57) Navigating Parenting Stages
(06:10) Engaging with Middle Schoolers
(10:07) The Balance of Hovering and Letting Go
(13:57) Preparing for Independence
(18:02) Overparenting: Understanding the Roots
(21:06) Navigating the Challenges of Letting Go in Parenting
(24:35) The Importance of Self-Care and Mom Guilt
(26:54) Recognizing Red Flags in Parenting Dynamics
(28:54) Practical Strategies to Avoid Over-Parenting
(31:37) Embracing Independence and Building Confidence in Kids
(34:49) The Balance of Love and Guidance in Parenting
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Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith
Resources from todays show:
Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Our Sponsors:* Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.ixl.com
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If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)
Confession is not something that we are typically very comfortable with. No one likes to admit when they do something wrong, especially when its something hurtful or will cause someone to feel disappointed in them. Confessing is vulnerable, its revealing, and sometimes its just downright embarrassing. But like it or not, confession is part of following Jesus.
But when we bring our sins to God we can be assured that he will forgive us. He will make our transgressions as far from us as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). God wants to forgive us!
In his steadfast love and compassion, Jesus forgives our sins and forgets our transgressions when we confess them. When we start to feel ashamed or guilty, we can remind ourselves that Christ died for that sin too. There is nothing we can do or say that will make God love us less or love us more. He just simply loves us!
Accepting forgiveness requires action from us, though. First, we must confess and then turn from our sin. In John 8, Jesus forgives the woman who was committing adultery, but as he forgives her, he tells her to, go and sin no more, (verse 11). Second, we must forgive others. God expects his followers to forgive each other just as he forgave them (Ephesians 4:32).
Confessing our sins is our get-to and should be a regular part of our faith! There is freedom that can be found in confessing our sins regularly, so lets pray that our kids experience that freedom and experience a desire to confess to God.
Father God, you are faithful to forgive our sins. I pray that __________ would understand the gift of confession and forgiveness. May your Holy Spirit stir up in them a heart to know you better, a spirit of conviction, and a desire to make things right with you. May ________ always remember that there is no condemnation for those who believe, but in you there is freedom. Amen.
Get your printed copy of A Life of Faith: Prayer Journal
Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyHave I mentioned lately how much I love my church and pastor? Ron and I feel really grateful that we found a home at Compass Church. Drew Sherman (lead pastor at Compass) and his amazing wife Michelle are on the podcast today.
It all started with a sermon that he preached at the beginning of the year that was SO GOOD! Even Larson remarked that it was her favorite sermon he has ever done. We are talking about the idea or the issue of: CONSISTENCY. And more specifically, how can we be consistent in our spiritual growth (for us and the kids).
Its so easy to have huge dreams and ideas at the start of a year only to find yourself failing again and tossing your hands up. From physical goals to reading goals to financial goals - staying consistent can be the hardest part. The same is true for our spiritual goals as a family. Drew and Michelle share 4 very practical ways we can all grow in our consistency.
When he talks he gives us a sincere caution: as a pastor, he is often seeing parents with seriously high (unrealistic) goals for their kids. Dont miss his encouragement and warning about exhausting our kids and being fixated on goals that dont matter as much as their walk with Jesus. As he says, Don't miss the ride and the journey!
In this episode, we chat about:
- Why consistency matters for our spiritual growth
- Embracing small steps that will lead to lasting change
- How to model faith and values in our homes
- How a grace-filled environment allows for mistakes
Introduction and Connection
The Importance of Declaring Intentions
Consistency as a Catalyst for Change
Starting Small in Spiritual Growth
Overcoming the Urge to Give Up
Navigating Distractions in Modern Parenting
Cherishing Small Moments in Family Life
Connect with Pardon The Mess:
Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith
Resources from todays show:
Drews sermon on CONSISTENCY
Landons sermon on RESPONSIBILITY (mentions manifesting)
Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyWherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be (Matthew 6:21 NLT)
Most of us make it a priority to teach our little kids the difference between wants and needs.
No, you dont need a new Lego set, you want a new Lego set.
I know you dont want to help clean the house, but you need to.
Owning things and wanting things is not a bad thing in itself. What is bad is putting those things before following God. Jesus tells us very clearly that we cannot serve two Gods, meaning we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Instead of focusing our minds and hearts on all the things that money can buy, we are to focus our minds and hearts on the greatest gift that money cannot buy: Jesus and his kingdom. This is so hard in our current influencer society, where you can't use your phone without feeling like you need to buy something or compare yourself to someone else, and it starts young!
This week lets pray that our kids focus their hearts on things that are eternal instead of temporary. Lets pray that they follow God by putting their energy into what God has for them instead of what the world tells them will make them happy and fulfilled.
Father God, you gave us everything when you gave us the gift of salvation through Jesus. I pray for ___________________. I pray that they store up treasures in heaven, that they fix their eyes on the unseen things that honor and bring glory to you Lord, not on the things of this earth. When they are tempted to idolize material things, give them the strength to see past the temptation and recenter themselves on the things that matter most. Amen.
Get your printed copy of A Life of Faith: Prayer Journal
Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
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