Celebrating Christ this Christmas

Christmas is indeed the most wonderful time of the year as we remember our Savior’s birth, reflect on memories of the past, enjoy our family and friends, and thank God for his many blessings in our lives.
We know it can also bring a little chaos as schedules fill up with parties, decorating, baking, and gift buying! However, we have such a great opportunity to be intentional to keep Christ in Christmas and demonstrate to our children what we treasure most.
Deuteronomy 6: 4–7, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
As Christian parents, we have the awesome responsibility and honor to teach and disciple our children to know Jesus and follow him. This happens in the normal moments of everyday life, but it’s enhanced when it can be fun too! Here are a few great ways to be intentional about celebrating Christ this Christmas season:
Advent Devotion – This is a daily, intentional time to anticipate the birth of Christ all month long! Check out www.cpadvent.org for “Read, Ask, Go! An interactive family Advent devotional!”
Serve – Jesus is the Lamb of God. His life was about laying his life down. What better way to celebrate his coming to earth than to serve each other, neighbors, and those God puts in our path? Seek out ways your local Church may be serving the community during the holidays.
The Christmas Story – Read it before any gifts are opened to remind all gathered ‘round that he is the reason for the season! (Luke 2:1–20)
Happy Birthday, Jesus! – Bake a birthday cake or decorate for a birthday party as a family to celebrate the birth of Christ!
An Empty Seat at the Table – Leaving a chair for Jesus at the Christmas table is a reminder to all that it’s his party!
Camp for Christmas– Instead of giving your kids another toy that’s just going to take up space in your home, how about instead investing in an experience that will help shape who they will become? Sky Ranch Christian Camps wants to make it as easy as possible for you as we help you give a gift to your child with eternal value…Camp for Christmas! When you register for Camp for Christmas, Christian Parenting readers will receive $100 off camp plus a gift box your child will open at Christmas filled with a personalized camp certificate, sweatshirt blanket, Christmas ornament, touch lantern, window clings, decal and a popper toy! All boxes will ship by December 2, 2021. And when your child goes to camp, the gospel and message of servant leadership is magnified as college-aged students pour into your child. We consider this a holy echo! God is at work using all of us at different places and stages of life, bringing truth to light. Register online at skyranch.org using the code CP22C4C, or click the link below.
I hope you find joy celebrating Christ together as a family this Christmas season.