We are kicking off a full month of love and marriage on the podcast with a beautiful, honest, and inspiring conversation with Rebecca St. James and her husband, Cubbie Fink. Rebecca and Cubbie just released a new book, Lasting Ever: Faith, music, family, and being found by true love and in todays episode you will get a sneak peek into their story and their deep faith.
Last fall I loved watching the movie, Unsung Hero, which depicted the early years of Rebecca St. Jamess family life and music career, so I was eager to have Rebecca on the podcast. It was a huge bonus to get to know her husband, Cubbie, as well!
In this interview we pick up where the movie leaves off, diving into Rebeccas music career, her involvement in the True Love Waits campaign, and the loneliness of her years of then truly waiting. Cubbie shares his background, and the two of them speak to topics relevant to todays generation of young adults. We talk about how the deconstruction movement has affected Gen Zs perspective on the purity movement, and I loved this couples commitment to Gods never-changing standards and the rewards of doing life according to His Word.
This conversation will be especially impactful for those of you with older kids, and I hope you might pass it on to the young adults in your life!
Find show notes and links to all we mention at: http://monicaswanson.com/lasting-ever
General podcast page:http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for a Bible-based math or science homeschool curriculum? The DIVE/Shormann Math and science is an amazing choice for short-but-thorough lessons through the AP level! My sons used DIVE throughout their high school years and they believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go todiveintomath.comto learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyLast year I finally discovered a name for the very real experience I've had, well, pretty much every year since I can remember. It hits when the holidays are over, and summer break seems like an eternity away...When life feels one part exhausting and one part super boring. Its often rainy and cold, (at least where I grew up, and sometimes even in Hawaii!) the house tends to be a bit extra cluttered (spring cleaning hasnt happened yet.) I typically want to quit homeschooling, New Years resolutions have gone by the wayside, and I cant think of a thing to cook for dinner.
(Wait, you too!?)
Well, thanks to the internet, last year I learned that this is called the February Slump. Its a legit thing and if this is new to you, I hope you feel at least a little better giving it a name.
Since we both just learned about this annual phenomenon last year, my friend Leanne and I thought it would be the right thing to discuss it on the podcast. (BTW, Leanne also works with me so this is a fun chance to get to know her!) In this conversation we acknowledge "the slump", share from our experience (we each have 4 kids, in two very different seasons,) and offer some practical advice on how to navigate well. (There is hope!) I hope you enjoy this fun and honest girlfriend/Mom chat.
Find links and notes to anything we mentioned over at: http://www.monicaswanson.com/february-slump
Find all show notes:www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have usedDIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and mathlessons, through the AP level! Your kids will love Dr. Shormanns short, well-put-together lessons, and Shormanns Algebra 1 and 2 classes will equip your kids for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice qustions! Go to diveintomath.com to learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To findpractical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor: https://factormeals.com/swanson50off
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How has it taken me so long to get to a topic that I am SO passionate about? I am beyond excited to open up the conversation of kids health with my friend, Katie Kimball (of Kitchen Stewardship and Kids Cook Real Food.) Katie is an author, podcaster, and Ted Talk Speaker. She loves to encourage parents to introduce their kids to a wide variety of foods, teach kids about nutrition, and get kids in the kitchen to cook real food!
In todays conversation, Katie shares some eye-opening statistics about the state of health for average American kids, (spoiler alert: Its not good) but she does not stop there. Katie offers practical advice for how we can turn the tide, fix some bad habits, and raise kids who value nutrition and know how to be a good guest at others homes, even if what theyre serving is not their favorite. Katie answers a bunch of questions sent in from my Instagram stories as well. Prepare for a really helpful and practical episode! Find show notes at: http://www.monicaswanson.com/katie-kimball
General podcast page:http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for a Bible-based math or science homeschool curriculum? The DIVE/Shormann Math and science is an amazing choice for short-but-thorough lessons through the AP level! My sons used DIVE throughout their high school years and they believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go todiveintomath.comto learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
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Hey Friends! Were still working our way into this new year (thats ok, right?) and today I am sharing straight from my honest life about 8 things Im currently working on to make 2025 the very best year possible. Im keeping this super real and raw, and hoping you feel like were chatting over coffee (or in beach chairs, if you come to my neck of the woods!)
The first four our indeed health related (it is New Years after all!) but I also touch on parenting topics (fresh chore charts anyone?) as well as marriage and work habits. I have a feeling everyone can find something in todays chat to relate to!
Find lots of links over in show notes: http://www.monicaswanson.com/8-things
General podcast page:http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for a Bible-based math or science homeschool curriculum? The DIVE/Shormann Math and science is an amazing choice for short-but-thorough lessons through the AP level! My sons used DIVE throughout their high school years and they believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go todiveintomath.comto learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyMonica Swanson, author of Boy Mom and Raising Amazing, and blogger at monicaswanson.com, shares encouragement and inspiration for raising amazing kids and building strong families. Monica shares practical advice and biblical wisdom through honest conversations, interviews with experts, and light-hearted humor. The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org
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