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Apr 24 • 43:19
Raising Spiritual Champions with George Barna

Raising Spiritual Champions with George Barna

April 24, 2024 • 43:19 • Monica Swanson

Renowned researcher and bestselling author, Dr. George Barna is with us to share some startling data, along with a passionate call-to-action for Christian parents. This may be the most important episode you could listen to, and I pray that what we talk about inspires you to a deeper level of commitment in your parenting. (Dont run away I promise you'll be encouraged!)


Dr. Barnas recent book, Raising Spiritual Champions, focuses on the importance of raising kids with a Biblical Worldview, and how difficult this is in our world today. Part of the reason it is so difficult is that so few parents have a Biblical worldview. And as Barna says, we cannot give what we dont possess. 


Not only do a mere 2% of parents of preteens have a biblical worldview, but only 12% of Childrens Pastors do! Few Christians believe in absolute truth, and most Christians today are syncretists, meaning they draw their beliefs from a variety of competing worldviews, religions, and convenient concepts.  


Raising children is an exciting opportunity to influence a life, but Barna says its also, a daunting assignment. Dr. Barnas research reveals that who our children will be as adults is essentially determined by the age of 13 (their core beliefs, morals, values, desires and lifestyle.)   


At the end of the conversation, I ask Dr. Barna to get practical and go through the Seven Cornerstones of a Christian worldview. I hope this is helpful and encouraging. Find those 7 Cornerstones as well as the rest of the links over in show notes: 


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Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!  



The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit  


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The Monica Swanson Podcast

With Monica Swanson
Monica Swanson, author of Boy Mom and Raising Amazing (releasing 2/21/2023), and blogger at, shares encouragement and inspiration for raising amazing kids and building strong families. Monica shares practical advice and biblical wisdom through honest conversations, interviews with experts, and light-hearted humor. You can follow Monica on Instagram, Facebook, and on her website at
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Jul 24 • 1:48:05
Lukes Surf Journey and Competitive Mindset, with my son, Luke

This is part 3 of my summer mini-series on parenting and youth sports. Be sure to tune into the last two episodes if you have missed them! In todays episode, my son Luke (20,) joins me talk about his experience pursuing a professional surf career. For context he explains a bit about how competitive surfing works, where he is now in the process, and his ultimate goals. He talks about how he got started surfing competitively, some of his early inspiration, and the twists and turns of youth surfing. Luke talks honestly about some of the ways our parenting shaped his competitive experience (good and bad,) and how his faith has impacted his perspective.  

At the end Luke and I chat a bit about the competitive mindset and some sports psychology principles he has learned more recently. I think this part can apply to most athletes and well beyond the world of sports. 

This is a long one but I think your kids might enjoy and I hope it encourages you in some way too! PS Luke is currently looking at starting his own podcast, so stay tuned and look for where you might follow him over in show notes 

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Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 


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Jul 17 • 35:50
3 Faith Principles for Navigating Youth Sports, with Dr. Dave.

Welcome to part II of our summer series on parenting and youth sports. Be sure to catch last weeks (packed!) episode if you missed it! Today my husband Dave is with us to consider 3 important FAITH PRINCIPLES that impact our kids athletic endeavors.  

Background: Dave played soccer through the collegiate and professional level, and we are both super competitive people. We have navigated parenting our four sons through all kinds of recreational sports, and now our son, Luke, is a professional surfer, and our youngest son, Levi, is passionate about competitive golf.

In today's episode Dave and I are passing on principles that we have learned and are constantly working on in our own family. From the purpose of sports, to helping kids remain grounded in their identity (apart from sports), to keeping our family's priorities straight, I think this is all practical and relevant to all kinds of sports and other activities.

Whether your kids are highly competitive or just do sports for fun, I think we cover a lot of important ground in this conversation! 

Find show notes and links to everything mentioned at:

All podcast episodes can be found at: 

Looking for math or science homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math and science for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! Note: 25 % off SUMMER SALE through the end of July!  

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 


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Jul 10 • 49:19
Can we Make Youth Sports Fun Again? With John OSullivan

Note: This is the first of a 3-part summer series on Youth Sports. (I'm so excited about this!) I hope youll spread the word and comment over in show notes to keep the conversation going.  

According to recent research, 70% of kids drop out of organized athletics by the age of 13. Todays guest, John OSullivan, suggests that this is because youth sports have become adult-centered, ultra-competitive, and crazy-expensive. I dont think hes wrong. 

Since my husband and I have shared conversations about youth sports on social media this year, Ive heard from a lot of families who wanted more on this topic. I recently read OSullivans book, Changing the Game, and knew that his voice would be a helpful addition to this conversation!

John played collegiate and professional soccer and has spent decades coaching and speaking to coaches and parents about the youth sports culture and how we might reverse some dangerous trends. He has a popular Ted Talk on the topic as well (link to that in show notes!) In todays episode we talk about early specialization, when to give kids the nudge to be more committed to their sport, and how to help all of our kids grow up to love sports and lead an active lifestyle! I think this is a great conversation that will offer you some food for thought as you consider your kids athletic endeavors. 

Find show notes, links to Johns books (including his new one coming out later this year!) and his Ted Talk at: 


All show notes: 


Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to learn more! 


The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit 

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Jul 3 • 40:20
How to Give Your Kids What Technology Cant, with Erin Loechner

"Weve all heard the mind-boggling statistics about technology and social media use. The numbers dont lie; our obsession with smartphones and social media is slowly eroding the very essence of our homes and families. We see it. We feel it. We know it.

So what do we do about it? "... - Erin Loechner, today's guest.

Erin Loechner walked away from over a million online followers to choose a different way of life for her family. Since then, she has done a lot of research and discovered the possibility of borrowing from the playbook of the tech industry to engage your family in meaningful ways. Erin suggests that we, as parents, can actually be more engaging than the algorithm! Sound hard to believe? Youve got to listen to this conversation!  

Find notes from our conversation at: 

All show notes: 

 Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit 


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Jun 26 • 41:58
How to Have a Better Relationship with Your Phone, with Joey Odom

When Joey Odom missed his sons first soccer goal because he was looking at his phone, he had a realization: his phone was getting in the way of his best intentions as a Dad and a husband. Since then, he has been on a journey to change his relationship with his phone so that he can change the most important relationships in his life. 


I heard about Joey from our mutual friend (and a favorite podcast guest,) Justin Whitmel Earley who recommended I share Joeys message with my listeners. I am so glad I did! In this interview Joey is sharing data, insights, and encouragement for ways we can all move forward as parents who want to navigate these waters well. I think youll enjoy this conversation and leave it feeling empowered to take some steps to a happier, healthier family life ahead. Find notes from our conversation over on my website at: 


All show notes: 

 My TECH-SMART KIDS MINI-COURSE is NOW open for new students. (Only $25 and PACKED with helpful guidelines, lists of best tech-filters, articles, and other resources, and so much more!) Find out more, HERE!

Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to learn more! 


The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit 

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About the Host

Monica Swanson

Monica and her husband Dave raise boys and tropical fruit on the North Shore of Oahu.  Monica has homeschooled their four sons (two who are currently in Southern California, one in college, one a recent college grad!)  Monica is the author of Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like their Family, and Do the Dishes without Being Asked (released this week!) as well as  Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You, and host of the Monica Swanson Podcast. Monica has been blogging for over 12 years and has encouraged over 10 million visitors to her website with articles on parenting and family, healthy living, and (mostly) healthy recipes. The Swanson boys are all surfers, (Luke, who is 19, surfs professionally) which keeps Monica on her knees. Monica loves good coffee, running trails with her husband and dog, Thor, the Word of God, and connecting with women all over the world through the crazy gift of the internet.

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