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May 22 • 46:04
Being a Mission-Minded Family, with Ann Dunagan

Being a Mission-Minded Family, with Ann Dunagan

May 22, 2024 • 46:04 • Monica Swanson

For Christian families in the thick of it, the thought of world missions can seem unrealistic and overwhelming. Many of us feel like we are in survival mode, just taking care of our families and trying to protect our kids from the crazy world. (and thats all so important!) Yet, in light of the fact that 1/3 of our world has not yet heard the Gospel, Jesus words in the Great Commission are still relevant: We are to make disciples of all nations. What do busy families do with that? 


Ann Dunagan is with us today to share her story of being a missionary family with seven children! But even more, Ann shares a lot of practical ways we can ALL be mission-minded right in the midst of our real lives at home. I think this is such an important conversation, whether mission work has been on your mind, or not (yet)!  

Hopefully Anns words (and most certainly her enthusiasm) will inspire you to consider how you might raise kids who love Gods Word and His people, and who are ready to say YES to His call, whatever that might look like! 


Show notes with links to anything we talked  

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Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 


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The Monica Swanson Podcast

With Monica Swanson
Monica Swanson, author of Boy Mom and Raising Amazing (releasing 2/21/2023), and blogger at, shares encouragement and inspiration for raising amazing kids and building strong families. Monica shares practical advice and biblical wisdom through honest conversations, interviews with experts, and light-hearted humor. You can follow Monica on Instagram, Facebook, and on her website at
All Episodes:
Jun 12 • 44:08
The 3 Best Things I Did as a Dad, with Andrew Pudewa

Happy Fathers Day week everyone! Today my friend Andrew Pudewa, is with us to offer some lessons and encouragement for all of the dads out there! (Ladies, you'll enjoy this too!)

Andrewis the founder and directorof theInstitute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), father of seven, and grandpa to a whole bunch of kids! Andrew travels and speaks around the world, addressing issues relatedto teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and musicwith clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. He's so much fun to listen to!

And today, Andrew shares what he considers the 3 best things he did as a dad. I love this conversation and I think men and women alike will find inspiration and encouragement in it! 

NOTE!! -- My Character Training Course is currently OPEN *only until Monday, June 17th! (find out more about the course at:  

Find show notes for todays episode at: 

General podcast page: 

The IEW WEBSITE here. 

Looking for math or science homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math and science for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 

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Jun 5 • 32:15
Parent Differently, with Kathy Koch

A childs character reflects their convictions, establishes their reputation, and ultimately determines their destiny. In the world today it may seem like a big job to raise kids with biblical character, but todays conversation should offer a lot of HOPE! 

Kathy Koch, child development specialist, author, and sought-after speaker, is here to help us understand how to guide children to develop biblical character.  We talk about the connection between character and obedience, the essential foundational beliefs for good character, and strategies for teaching and improving character in our kids.  

I love this conversation so much, and the timing couldnt be better because next week, (Monday, June 10th!) I will be opening the doors to my Character Training Course! (find out more about the course at:  

Find show notes for todays episode at: 

General podcast page: 

Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 

Our Sponsors:
* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal:
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May 29 • 31:53
Why We are So Tired and What to do About it, with Jess Connolly

Women are mostly all tired, arent we? For women today, fatigue has become the norm, and busyness is often worn as a badge of honor.   

Jess Connolly has lived in that bone-weary place, even to the point of developing chronic panic-attacks, battling anxiety and an autoimmune disease. But with wise practices and a new way of living, Jess discovered the path to a realistic rest that is available to every Christ follower. 

Jess is sharing practical wisdom to guide women into a lifestyle of sustainable rest. In todays conversation Jess and I talk about the different sources of fatigue, the lies that prevent women from practicing rest, and the difference between being busy and having a full life. I loved what Jess had to say about (my pet peeve) busy shaming and how we each need to discover our unique sources of rest. 

I think this is a relatable topic for all women and I pray you finish this episode feeling refreshed and hopeful! 


Show notes with links to anything we talked about:  

General podcast page: 

Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 


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* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal:
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May 22 • 46:04
Being a Mission-Minded Family, with Ann Dunagan

For Christian families in the thick of it, the thought of world missions can seem unrealistic and overwhelming. Many of us feel like we are in survival mode, just taking care of our families and trying to protect our kids from the crazy world. (and thats all so important!) Yet, in light of the fact that 1/3 of our world has not yet heard the Gospel, Jesus words in the Great Commission are still relevant: We are to make disciples of all nations. What do busy families do with that? 


Ann Dunagan is with us today to share her story of being a missionary family with seven children! But even more, Ann shares a lot of practical ways we can ALL be mission-minded right in the midst of our real lives at home. I think this is such an important conversation, whether mission work has been on your mind, or not (yet)!  

Hopefully Anns words (and most certainly her enthusiasm) will inspire you to consider how you might raise kids who love Gods Word and His people, and who are ready to say YES to His call, whatever that might look like! 


Show notes with links to anything we talked  

General podcast page: 

Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 


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* Check out Factor:
* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal:
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May 15 • 52:56
The Juggle is Real, with Sarah Molitor of Modern Farmhouse Family

When I come across a wildly popular influencer who is also raising (and homeschooling) 7 children, and keeping their home and marriage in (seemingly) great order, I cant help but wonder: HOW DOES SHE DO IT ALL?   

Sarah Molitor is one of those people, and in this interview with Sarah, I dive right into my honest questions: When do you sleep? Do you have time for devotions? How about exercise? And really: Do you have help?   

Sarah is the author of Well Said (as well as 2 darling childrens books) and she also wrote the foreword to Becoming Homeschoolers. I had so much fun chatting with her in this episode, and her answers inspired me and made me laugh. I hope this very real girlfriend chat blesses you, too. 


Show notes with links to anything we talked 

General podcast page: 

Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go todiveintomathto learn more! 

The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, 

Our Sponsors:
* Check out Factor:
* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal:
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About the Host

Monica Swanson

Monica and her husband Dave raise boys and tropical fruit on the North Shore of Oahu.  Monica has homeschooled their four sons (two who are currently in Southern California, one in college, one a recent college grad!)  Monica is the author of Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like their Family, and Do the Dishes without Being Asked (released this week!) as well as  Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You, and host of the Monica Swanson Podcast. Monica has been blogging for over 12 years and has encouraged over 10 million visitors to her website with articles on parenting and family, healthy living, and (mostly) healthy recipes. The Swanson boys are all surfers, (Luke, who is 19, surfs professionally) which keeps Monica on her knees. Monica loves good coffee, running trails with her husband and dog, Thor, the Word of God, and connecting with women all over the world through the crazy gift of the internet.

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