How to Biblically Apply the Enneagram to Your Parenting with Beth McCord

Welcome to the the Love Where You Are podcast!

In today’s episode I am joined with Beth McCord.

Beth McCord an author, speaker, coach and the Founder and Chief Content Officer at Your Enneagram Coach, an online platform for individuals and couples to learn about, explore and get certified in the Enneagram. She has years of experience and a passion for coming alongside individuals, couples, and groups. Beth is leading the way in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Her mission is to make personal awareness and growth accessible for everyone, anywhere, so they can experience health and transformation in every area of their lives.

In this episode, Somer and Beth dive deep into how the Enneagram can help you in your marriage, parenting, and even your relationship with God.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Beth through FacebookInstagram, and you can take your own Enneagram personality test here!

You can also order her new book!


Type 1: The Principled Reformer

Type 2: The Nurturing Supporter

Type 3: The Admirable Achiever

Type 4: The Introspective Individualist

Type 5: The Analytical Investigator

Type 6: The Faithful Guardian

Type 7: The Enthusiastic Optimist

Type 8: The Passionate Protector

Type 9:  The Peaceful Accommodator



The enneagram is a tool to help us understand the different ways we see, interpret and react to life’s circumstances. 

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses, and the Enneagram can be a tool to help us recognize them and those in others. 

We are more than just one of the “types”

How can I better know myself so I can set up my kids well but also see them for who they are and bless them instead of making them what I think they should be?



A - Awaken to what we are thinking, feeling and our body’s sensations

W - Welcome, acknowledge what is going on

A - Ask healthy questions

R - Receive what is true and tend to your needs so you can regulate

E - Engage in relationships in a new way with new perspective 



The other gift you can give your kids is apologizing. 

Learn how to communicate well what makes you uncomfortable and what you need.

We have to understand our limitations. There is grace in growth.

We know that we are safe and secure in Christ, we know that we are His beloved and each enneagram type is longing for a particular message to be said and experienced in their heart and Christ has actually already accomplished that for us.

Never use the enneagram as a weapon against others.


Romans 5:8 - Christ came while we were still sinners


The Lies the Enemy Speaks to Your Kids: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Charity Rios

Welcome to the last episode in my mini-series, THE LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

In today’s episode I am joined with Charity Rios.

Charity is the author of My Heart’s Garden - a picture book and workbook designed for parents and kids to equip them to identify and battle against the lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of children. She is pefectly equipped to help me tackle today's conversation. We'll be focusing on the lies the enemy speaks to our children. 

We have spent the last 12 weeks identifying and calling out the lies the enemy speaks to YOU - the hearts of moms. We’ve countered each lie with the Truth of scripture and encouraged you to embrace the incredible role you’ve been given as biblical steward over the lives of your children.

Now - what about the lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of your kids?

If you’re anything like me, you can handle a little attack here and there but when the enemy messes with your babies - LOOK OUT!

If you’re thinking - how and where do I even begin teaching my kids about something that I am still battling myself - this episode is for you!

In this episode, Somer and Charity discuss the process of teaching kids how to tend their hearts, identifying the lies of the enemy, and who the enemy is without scaring them. Charity also explains her "heart flags" and what it means to become a student of your children. Somer and Charity talk in depth about the struggle but also give you tools from a Biblical foundation so you don't have to be afraid. Remember, Jesus has already won. 

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can find Charity through Facebook, Instagram, and her website.

You can also purchase her book "My Heart's Garden" on Amazon!

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!



The enemy is ruthless attacking the core of our children’s identity 

Common lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of our kids:



Your kids struggles are not your failures

If it aligns with scripture, the character of God and if it is encouraging - it is from God. Scripture is a solid place we can stand even when our feelings are not lining up. 

While my intentions and my heart for my children is good, God’s is better.

Don’t be scared of the questions - see them as an opportunity to engage with their hearts share Truth with them.

Truth will always stand.



Model for our kids and teach them how to talk to God and give Him their pain, their fears and their disappointments

We’re all learning how to hear His voice and access Him more

Speak life into your kids

Show them as a Mom that the place you go to for comfort is God.

I tell my kids satan is real, I don’t water it down, but I don’t give him power.

The enemy does not play nice



THE 4 R's: the process of teaching your kids to tend their hearts and identify lies the enemy speaks to them...





I Have to be Supermom! : The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Lisa Clark

Welcome to my latest series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

In today’s episode I am joined with Lisa Clark. Lisa co-hosts both The Wonder podcast and Raising Sinners podcast with our friends over at Christian Parenting where she encourages Moms weekly to raise their children by God’s Word. Together, we're tackling the lie: I have to be supermom!

Lisa co-hosts both The Wonder podcast and Raising Sinners podcast with our friends over at Christian Parenting where she encourages Moms weekly to raise their children by God’s Word. 

Today’s hustle culture creates a never ending hamster wheel that gets us rushing from one thing to the next. It also creates an environment for us and our kids to find our identities in what we do and not who we are. 

Pretty soon we find ourselves and our families living life waiting for the next break instead of soaking up the mundane moments that build the culture and character of our family. And all because of this lie: the super mom. We wanted to be super mom and do the things the world defines as super!

In this episode, Somer and Lisa go over how we, as Christian moms, find balance in all the things and cultivate a God-centered home. 

I’m so grateful you are joining me today! Let’s dive in!

You can connect with Lisa through Instagram! Also her website.

You can also check out her book Raising Sinners as well as her podcast of the same name, Raising Sinners on Christian Parenting.

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!



Our kids need love, tenderness, devotion, discipline, structure

We have the best intentions but super mom does not exist - and if she does, she’s exhausted, she’s anxious, she’s tired and she really is missing out on those mundane moments of the day. Those mundane moments of the day are where memories are made.

There is nothing in scripture that encourages us to hustle.

We need to understand that we are the vessel that God is using to get to His children, to bring His children back to Him.

Make a list of things I’m doing to prepare my child for eternity vs. Things I’m doing to prepare my child for life - which one is more full?

I don’t want to raise my kids and my family and be in that “I can’t wait until…” mentality. I want to be present.

If you’re feeling defeated, that’s a lie from the enemy. Whatever we are walking through as parents, God is greater.

A lot of these things that are causing you to be stressed out and feeling less than are not things that your kids ever asked of you as Mom.



Deuteronomy 6

1 Corinthians 10:31

Romans 8:18



You’re not missing a thing - you are making a family.

These are the good days - don’t wish for another day.

We can’t miss those mundane moments that make a family and make who we are.

You are the heartbeat of your home.

You are never too far gone for a fresh start and a fresh beginning from the Lord.

That’s the business that He’s in - changing our hearts for Him.

As parents, never be discouraged!

I Have to be Perfect or I am going to Mess Up My Kids: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Sarah Wood

Welcome to my latest series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE! 

In today’s episode I am joined with Sarah Wood. She is a friend, writer, speaker and Editor-in-Chief of Mom Mentor. Together, we're tackling the lie: I have to be perfect or I am going to mess up my kids.

Our Momma hearts have a deep desire to do well and to be confident that we are, in fact, good moms who are doing a good job with our kids. We want to look back on our motherhood journey and know that we did what was pleasing to the Lord by raising little disciples who, ideally become adults living out their lives with kingdom purpose. So naturally, this is an area the enemy is going to attack because he knows if it is important to us, we can be found vulnerable.

You are going to love this conversation with Sarah. She and I dive into the real life struggles, the mom fails and the lessons we’ve learned so far in our motherhood journeys as it pertains to perfectionism.

Sarah will share how her experiences have helped her to grow as a mom and as a believer and offer you practical steps to encourage and get your started in silencing this lie and replace it with Truth about your identity, your mission and purpose.

Are you ready? I’m so grateful you are joining me today! Let’s dive in!

You can connect with Sarah through Instagram

Also check out her ministry, Mom Mentor! Here is where you can find her book, "What Other Moms Never Told Me". 

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here



It's not about perfectionism, it’s about control. We have to realize as moms that we are stewards, we’re not puppet masters. Because it’s God’s plan for their lives, not our plans for their lives.

We cannot impose our identity and self-worth on our children and their behavior. The minute we do that, it places this terrible millstone around their neck.

God is the perfect Father but look at His children.



2 Timothy 1:6-7

2 Timothy 3:3-6



*Our children can be a process God teaches us, just as we teach them. 

*Sometimes when we say no, that means we are a good mom.

*As moms we are cultivating character. It’s not about cultivating an image, it’s about cultivating character.

*God honors the prayers of a mother. It is something we do as warriors.

*We are constantly standing in the way in between the enemy’s pursuit of our kids and God’s plan for their life. 

STEPS we can walk out: 

  1. Think about what you’re thinking about.
  2. Call it out and bring it into the light.
  3. Write it down and find a verse that will combat the lie.
  4. Get to work - keeping speaking God’s Truth over yourself

Lies are not only meant to discourage, they are meant to distract and take you off course.

I Have to Justify My Actions as a Mom: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Misty Phillip

Welcome to my latest series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

In today’s episode I am joined with Misty Phillip. She is a friend, author, speaker, host of the By His Grace podcast and founder of Spark Media. Together we're tackling the lie: I have to justify my actions as a Christian mom.

In today’s society, Christian parents are faced with challenges like never before when it comes to how they steward and shepherd their children in a world blatantly seeking the destruction of faith and family. 

Today, Misty and I want to call out the lies the enemy whispers to keep you questioning yourself, your convictions and chipping away at your confidence as the parent to your children. 

We’re diving into scripture and giving practical steps to embolden you to parent with “God-fidence” as the Lord leads you throughout your parenting journey for “such a time as this”.

Are you ready? I’m so grateful you are joining me today! Let’s dive in!

You can learn more about Misty on her website.

And you can connect with her through TwitterInstagram  and Facebook!

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!



The enemy has only a few tactics - he comes to discourage, to distract us, to think of anything other than the Lord

He (the enemy) uses the same tactics, it just manifests in different ways

If it’s a condemning thought - it’s not true

Take our thoughts captive and line them up with the Truth of scripture

Be the gatekeeper of our minds so we don’t dwell on it because then it becomes sin

We have to be intentional with the choices we make



God gave us these children as gifts and that’s because He thinks we’re the one for the job

My family looks exactly the way God intended it to look

God is faithful to give us what we need when we focus on Him and that is why it is so important that we extinguish those lies

We have to be infused with the Word so the Word comes out of us.

If the Word is not in us the Word will not come out of us

The first step is understanding that we are in a battle

Declare Truth over ourselves and over our situation

We have to fight for our kids hearts and minds and continually pouring into them

The more I had to make different choices the more it emboldened me

We have to change what we’re doing as a society because so many kids are walking away from their faith

Drop the facade that everything is perfect and okay

Surrounding yourself with a loving community is a game changer

When we’re isolated we’re more susceptible to those mind games the enemy plays

Have “God-fidence” knowing God has entrusted us to be the parents of our children and He will give us the wisdom we need to parent each child in the way they need

If you see mom-shaming, stop it, confront it and gently correct

God has given us everything we need to do our jobs as moms

God has us and our little disciples here “for such a time as this”

There’s peace in your decision making when you are trusting in Him

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:5-6


It's Selfish to Take Care of Myself: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Rachael Gilbert

Welcome to my latest series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

In today’s episode I am joined with Rachael Gilbert. She is an author, podcastor, public speaker, and licensed therapist. Together we are tackling the lie: it's selfish to take care of yourself.

As busy moms we are prone to serve everyone around us and place our own care at the back of the line. We kinda can’t help it, it’s how God wired us as caregivers and overseers of our homes and families. But we also know when warning signs creep in through short tempers, lowered immune systems and burnout - that, my friend, is when it’s time to re-evaluate.

The Lord designed us for this hard work called motherhood but sometimes we just need the reminder that He desires a healthy balance of service and rest. 

Today, Rachael and I want to call out the lies the enemy whispers to keep you frantic and exhausted and point you back to the Truth of God’s heart and His Word and give you practical steps to care for your temple, your heart and your mental health.

I’m so grateful you are joining me today! 

You can learn more about Rachael on her website.

And you can connect with her through Twitter, Instagram  and Facebook!

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!



*You’re not alone in this struggle - the enemy loves to isolate us and make us think we are the only one struggling

*When I’m wrestling with a lie of any sort, I always want to get to the root of where did the lie come from and does it have any validity.

*You might have a root lie that I’m not enough or worthy -  it really comes down to a value issue, what do we see as valuable and what does God see as valuable


Scripture to Read:

Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." 


Warning Signs:

Numbing out - shutting out all of your feelings

Health falling apart

Snapping at your kids

Change in libido

When you no longer love the things you used to



Remember: Follow the peace, not the pressure

Everything that concerns us, He cares about it

Give grace to your body and partner with God on that

You are a daughter of the Most High God and He cares about all of the things you are going through. Not only does He care but He is here to set you free!

You Are Too Busy to Pray: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Sarah Keeling

Welcome to my new series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

During this summer season, I am going to be joined by some amazing guests, and together we are going to dedicate each episode to calling out a common lie the enemy speaks to the hearts of Moms.

We’re going to measure that lie against the truth of scripture, offer you some practical advice and Biblical encouragement through discussion and then end our time with a simple but powerful prayer to equip you to take these lies head on whenever they try and sneak their way into your mind.

In today’s episode, we are going to tackle the lie: you are too busy to pray.

And here to help me in this discussion is Sarah Keeling.

Sarah Keeling is passinate about prayer! She is a podcaster, blogger, author, advocate, speaker, and of course, a mama!

You can learn more about Sarah through her website!

You can connect with her through Facebook  and Instagram

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!

Favorite Take-Aways: 

It's true, we don't have a lot of interrupted time as mothers; and we also have a lot on our plates--mentally and emotionally, and even physically! 

Sometimes, we get bored with prayer--hard to admit but its true!

We suggest praying the Bible.

WATCH OUT: Satan wants us to stay stuck, anxious and disconnected

The Biblical prayer is our weapon. “Prayer is the power that wields the weapon of the Word.” - John Piper

If we don’t spend time in prayer we try to do things in our own strength. We’re so much more powerful when we’re surrendered to God. Prayer is our only offensive weapon when you look at the armor of God. We can’t afford NOT to pray. You can’t win the battle without the weapon.

It’s ideal to have your own quiet time with God, but if you can’t, it’s okay to do it with your kids too. That doesn’t disqualify that time with God.

Keep the tiny humans alive and point them to Jesus

The enemy is going to do everything he can to break down your family and prevent you from being an effective discipler of your kids.

Prayer is a discipline and a practice. Disciple means learner. It takes practice to be still. We can’t hear God if we are drowning in all the noise. 

There are so many expectations on moms and none of them are realistic.

There’s so much freedom in asking for help. 


Scripture References: 

James 4:8 & Matthew 6 


Reminders as you begin this week:

-Start simple.

-Find an easy method to pray scripture.

-God is not looking at you with judgement and condemnation when you come back to Him.

-Kick your shame to the curb. God doesn’t deal in shame.

-Every time our seasons change, we have to adjust.


Love you, sister, thanks for joining the conversation! 

You Are Too Busy to Read the Bible: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Natalia Drumm

Welcome to my latest series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

In today’s episode I am joined with Natalia Drumm, an author, Bible teacher, and host of the podcast Girlfriends in the Word. Together we are tackling the lie: you are too busy to read the Bible.

Whether you are sitting in a laundry room or a board room, God is calling us to love Him with everything that we have and that works out in our day to day, mundane everyday life.

There is so much to juggle, between the toys everywhere, kids' homework, maybe running them off to soccer or piano lessons, how is there any time? On top of that, there's the guilt and shame for not meeting certain expectations. The guilt, shame, condemnation we may feel in the church for not doing what we're "supposed to do" may cause us to struggle even more with carving out the time. Somer and Natalia get honest with the struggle and aim to fill you with the truth you need.

You can learn more about Natalia on her website.

And you can connect with her through  Instagram  and Facebook!

For this week's downloadable prayer, click here!



-God’s Word is power and the enemy doesn't want us to have power.

-Satan is crafty, not creative.  

-The enemy gives us just enough truth to discourage us but not enough truth to get us where we need to be.


Scripture to Read:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - when you want to know what God wants from you, read this passage

Romans 8:1 - There is this fine line between condemnation and conviction and the enemy would have us condemned.



I am not responsible to multiply what God is doing. I am just responsible to show up.

Open your hand and give God whatever you’ve got.

The best way to love where you are is to stop looking where someone else is.

God has assigned me this season, this period of time, because I am the girl for the job. He’s given it to me. He trusts me with it. So how can I give it back to the Master?

Girl - you’ve got what it takes to be in God’s Word, you just have to start!


You Are Alone: The Lies GOOD Moms Believe with Bonnie Gray

Welcome to my new series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

During this summer season, I am going to be joined by some amazing guests, and together we are going to dedicate each episode to calling out a common lie the enemy speaks to the hearts of Moms.

We’re going to measure that lie against the truth of scripture, offer you some practical advice and Biblical encouragement through discussion and then end our time with a simple but powerful prayer to equip you to take these lies head on whenever they try and sneak their way into your mind.

In today’s episode, we are going to tackle the lie: you are alone.

And here to help me in this discussion is Bonnie Gray.

Bonnie Gray is an author and podcaster. She writes regularly for DaySpring’s (in)courage and is the author of Whispers of Rest, Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Sweet Like Jasmine - a memoir sharing her story as the daughter of a mail order bride, abandoned by her father at the age of 7 to be raised by her toxic and abusive mother. She is also the host of the Breathe: The Less Stress Podcast. 

You can learn more about Bonnie through her website!

You can connect with her through FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

For the downloadable prayers, click here!


Bonnie will share lies such as:

You cannot be sad. 

No one is going to help you. 

You have to do everything on your own.

Nobody wants to hear your story. Nobody can relate to it.

Don’t talk about how lonely you feel.

There are parts of me I need to cut off, shut down and not talk about.


We are going to cover topics like:



Panic attacks


Social anxiety

Identity crisis

Chasing the cookie cutter image - this is what I have to do to prove I am a good mom


Scripture Highlight from the Episode - 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (ESV)

14 But jthanks be to God, who in Christ always kleads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads lthe fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15 For we are the aroma of Christ to God among mthose who are being saved and among nthose who are perishing,


This week’s episode was a heavy one for sure, but my heart is not to shy away from broken places, but to walk through them with grace and in full reliance on the Lord to teach us as we go along the way clinging fast to Him.

Can you relate to this week’s guest?

Share your favorite takeaway in the Ahavah Community Facebook group here!

Remember, your brokenness does not disqualify you from being a good Mom - it only stands to strengthen the beautiful testimony God is building in and through you!

Blessings sweet friend!
