How to Be a Time Saving Mom with Crystal Paine

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast!

Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels, chasing your tail, putting out fires all day long, and going to bed feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? If you can relate, today’s episode is for you!

Bestselling author, founder of a widely popular enterprise, top podcast host—and busy mom of six—Crystal Paine should be exhausted. Or at least overwhelmed. But she’s not. In fact, she’s thriving and today she is here to share her best advice to help you do the same!

Somer and Crystal discussed her practical 4 step system to help you stay sane in the full seasons of motherhood, why hustling harder is not the answer and what questions to ask when  you are struggling with your season.

Crystal Paine is the founder of, host of The Crystal Paine Show podcast, and a New York Times bestselling author. She has reached millions with practical advice that has changed families for the better. As a bestselling author, founder of a widely popular enterprise, top podcast host—and busy mom of six—Crystal Paine should be exhausted. Or at least overwhelmed. But she’s not. In fact, she’s thriving. Crystal is passionate about sharing the strategies and guiding principles she lives by to maximize her time and energy while balancing many responsibilities, staying sane, living meaningfully, and loving life - and today she is here to share these principles with you.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Crystal through Facebook, Instagram, and her website. 

You can also order her new book!



 -Crystal's practical 4 Steps:





- "I try to never use the word ‘busy’ because I feel like it has a negative connotation of ‘I’m a victim of my life’"

-If my kids see me upset, they think its because of them and I never want that to happen. I want them to see me living and joyful and happy life, loving the job of being their mom. Burn-out is not good for us or our kids!


-I cannot do all of this in my own strength or I’m going to feel stressed and exhausted. I am not enough but HE is enough. I need Jesus each and every moment of each and every day.

-If we feel like our worth comes from our work, we are constantly not going to be measuring up.

But if our worth is coming from Jesus…we don’t have to do more, be more or try harder to attain His love.

-Simplify the areas of your life where you can simplify: examples like choice fatigue in clothes and food. 


Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.


What to Do When Life Transitions with Nicki Koziarz

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast!

In today’s episode I am joined by Nicki Koziarz. Nicki Koziarz is a bestselling author of several books and Bible studies as well as a speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Nicki speaks nationally at conferences, retreats and meetings and is the host of the Lessons from the Farm podcast. A Bible teacher at heart, Nicki inspires others to become the best version of who God created them to be.

In this episode, Nicki and I discuss the seasons of life and how to navigate all the feelings behind it. There are transitions in life, ones we invite in and ones that just happen! That means it is important to know what is within our control and what's in God's. Nicki and I talk about how to find the words to describe what we're feeling, how to embrace it, and be present where God has us.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Nicki through Instagram and her website.

You can also order her new book! Or take her quiz! 

Would you like to win a FREE copy of Nicki's new book?

Click HERE to enter!


*Our bodies give us signs and symptoms when something is wrong with our bodies - the soul also gives clues when something is wrong

*One of Nicki's favorite questions: "How’s your soul?"

*God is developing our character in these places to match the calling He has given us as wives, moms and women of God


*Research tells us that we experience transitions in life every 12-18 months

*“God, help me to be the Mom they need, not the Mom they want.”

*The scriptures promise that when we go to God and ask Him for wisdom, He will give it to us

Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

Bringing Theology into our Homes with Jenny Randle and Brayden Brookshier

In today’s episode I am joined with Jenny Randle and Brayden Brookshier.

Brayden and Jenny each married a sibling of the Randle family, making them brother in law and sister in law but they are also kindred spirits in the world of theology, nerding out over all things God. They geeked out over theology so much that they wrote a book together called Flash Theology: A Visual Guide to Knowing and Enjoying God

Brayden is on the Teaching Team at Newbreak Church, San Diego, is host of the "Adventures in Theology" podcast and is Professor of Biblical Greek at Horizon University.

Jenny is an author and award winning editor who has dedicated herself to ministry and is currently working on her master’s in theology at Asbury Theological Seminary.

In today’s conversation, Jenny, Brayden and I talk about destigmatizing that big word: theology. Theology can sound like something just for pastors and professors. Theology, however, simply means the study of God and as Christians we should be studying God! Jenny and Brayden help break down the ideas of what theology is, making it more accessible and relatable, and how to incorporate it into our daily lives and with our kids.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Jenny through instagram and her website.

You can connect with Brayden through instragram and his podcast.

You can buy their new book on Amazon!



*There seems to be a vague age parents think their kids will reach when they become "ready" for theological stuff. Instead, we should be encouraging and empowering our kids through open questions and discussion about who God is and helping them form their understanding of Him for themselves. We have to trust God with our kids and trust our kids with God.

*Bible illiteracy is a growing problem among Christians and non-Christians. Brayden sees this with a positive outlook, as an opportunity to help train people in the right mindset as opposed to re-training an old, flawed minset about who God is.

*Where are we getting our theology? Church, friends, social media? We have to vet all these thoughts and opinions through Scripture.



*Jesus looked at the heart of the matter. It is good to have head knowledge about God, but it is as equally important to have heart experiences with God.

*Brayden says: Share as you grow, share as you go. Share and talk about God with your family, kids, friends, even though you're still learning. We are all still learning! We will never "arrive" at the finish line till we see God face to face, and that means we will always be growing and learning.

*It is okay to admit you don't know the answer. It is okay to learn another person's beliefs and see where they're coming from. Search for the answers and love people where they're at.


Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

Raising Sons to be Men with Rhonda Stoppe

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast!

In today’s episode I am joined with Rhonda Stoppe.

Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has over 30 years experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor’s wife, and her most recent book is Moms Raising Sons to be Men.

In this episode, Rhonda and I talk about exactly that, how to raise our sons to become godly men. We live in a culture that is increasingly blurring the lines of what it means to be a man or woman and it’s more important than ever to raise our kids in God’s truth for their identity. It is especially important to raise young men who will become the future good husbands and fathers and hopefully model Christ.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Rhonda through Facebook, Instagram, and her website.

You can also listen to her podcast and you can also order her new book! 


 *As your son grows into a young man, they are going to want to be treated differently. Men desire respect, which can be hard to give a teen under your roof. It is a process to navigate to develop a healthy relationship between you and the young man in your home.

*It's okay to talk about the women's side of the "birds and the bees" with your son! Or anything regarding sex. Make it less awkward and more comfortable, less taboo, so your son can come to you willingly with his questions and you can give the answers instead of friends or the internet.

*"Boys will be boys" is not an excuse for your son to watch pornography. In the digital age, it is not only everywhere but it is increasingly more extreme in its depravity (homosexual, beastiality, etc). We must teach our sons (and daughters) the importance of healthy sexuality, what it is, what it means in our relationships, and why God designed it for us.



*Be the home where your son brings his friends over! Host all of the kids! People are more important than possessions. They may destroy the carpet or break a vase but they are more valuable.

*Even if your son has wandered, this does not make you a bad mom. Our kids will make mistakes but we must always have the door open for them.


Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

Distraction Detox with Billie Jauss

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast!

In today’s episode I am joined with Billie Jauss.

Billie Jauss is the wife of a professional baseball coach and mom of three young men, she is now an empty nester who is hard at work in writing and podcasting. Billie has a new book titled “Distraction Detox” which helps us recognize our own spiritual jetlag and create a plan for health and closeness with Jesus.

In this episode, Billie and I talk about hitting the pause button on our busy mama lives, making a priority list, and how we can creatively bring Jesus into our lives, no matter what season of life we’re in.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Billie through Facebook, Instagram, and her website. 

You can also order her new book!


*My external distracts were not as powerful as my internal distractions.

*I was my biggest bully. Telling myself: "I'm not good enough" "I don't belong" or "I'm not a good mom" I brought myself down and limited myself.

*Guilty of right-hand syndrome: always raising my hand and saying "yes" to something

*We can suffer from "spiritual jetlag" when we are too busy and distracted.

*There are creative ways to connect with Jesus no matter your season of life!



*When we are physically, emotionally and spiritually drained, we can't hear the Lord.

*We need to pause. You will never reach a point where you have time to pause. You just need to pause.

*Make a priority list. Here's what Billie's looks like:

  1. Jesus
  2. Husband
  3. Kids
  4. <can vary, for Billie it's her fellow baseball gals>
  5. <can vary, for Billie it's her writing and podcasting>


Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

Raising Amazing Kids...Who Want to Do the Dishes with Monica Swanson

In today’s episode I am joined with Monica Swanson.

Monica and her family live in Hawaii, where she has raised and homeschooled her four boys, three now in college and one twelve year old who loves to golf. Monica also has her own podcast, aptly named the Monica Swanson podcast, and recently published her book “Amazing Kids: Bringing Up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked”.

In today’s conversation, Monica and I look at the ways to raise amazing kids and what that means. As a parent, we may ask ourselves “are we doing this thing right?” as guilt and shame boil beneath the surface. Monica comments on the healthy balance we need to have, learning to hear from the Holy Spirit to know when we need to put in more work or to know when we are doing just fine. There’s a tendency to lean upon rules and the “do not”s of life, but Monica shares a fun and exciting perspective, leaning on a natural process, one with fewer formulas, and parenting towards instead of against.

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Monica through Facebook, Instagram, and her website.

You can also order her new book! Or her other amazing book about raising boys.


*When we want our kids to be "amazing" what are we expecting or hoping for? Amazing means a pleasant surprise and full of wonder. Our kids should be full of pleasant surprises and wonder! They should also be rich in character and love God, that is amazing. We should care less about their future career choices or doing well in sports, and more about being this kind of "amazing".
This takes less stress off us and them!

*If we want to be proud sending these kids into the world, then we must be intentional and focused in our parenting. Do we need to involve them in every after school club and activity, or spend more dinners at home as a family at the table?

*It is much easier to depend on rules and parenting against the world, all of the "do not" do's. But it is far more rewarding though harder to lean on a natural process, trusting God with our hearts, and parent towards what we can do. (example: getting outside and doing activities instead of just saying no to screentime)



*There is a healthy pressure which comes from the Holy Spirit, a healthy conviction. Differing the healthy conviction from an unhealthy insecurity takes discernment, a discernment which comes from knowing what God says. We can only know what God says when we spend time with Him both in prayer and in the Word.

*Our kids will know if our hearts are not in it. They can see the differences between our words and our actions or if they align.

*Be present in this season of parenthood. The time will go by so fast and you will miss the beautiful moments if you're too busy wishing for the next season. The moments you will look back on and miss are not the Instagram moments.


Galations 6:9

Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.


Building A Family of Faith with Andy Dooley

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast!

In today’s episode I am joined with Andy Dooley.

Andy Dooley is committed to empowering today's families as a passionate leader, pastor, fitness professional and father of four. He has been working with young people and families for over 18 years, through sports, fitness, and ministry. He’s also a social media influencer with a large established fan base of parents, teens, and kids who trust his message on faith and fitness.

In this episode, Andy and I dive into the importance of God being the foundation of your family and how to do exactly that. We all know the enemy is working hard on destroying the family unit, ranging from keeping us in a constant state of business so we don’t have time for our kids or to the kinds of content our kids see all around them with all kinds of agendas. Andy stresses the importance of building that strong foundation through consistent and fun family activities. In fact, he wrote a devotional titled Building a family of faith to help you not feel the weight, stress or pressure to be perfect while making the effort to build that foundation…

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation!

You can connect with Andy through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, his YouTube channel and his website where you can buy his new book! 

Andy also has a podcast!


*Behavior is "caught more than its taught." Things like reading your bible, exercising, or playing videogames--if your kids see it, they'll replicate it.

*"We are not the savior of our kids" which is why it is so important to expose Jesus to our kids as much as possible and as authentically as possible.

*The Bible is God's book for us, why wouldn't we read it every day?



*We can re-define "devotional time" to what it actually needs to be and works for your family.

It is:

-not perfect

-maybe short

-a fun opportunity

*Set the right expectations for your devotion time. Be patient with your kids. And be consistent.

*Do not forget to REST!!! Burn out will not help you or your kids.


-Praying before bed every night

-Time to just have fun as a family (movie night, board game, walk in the park/bike ride)

-Don't force it.

-Block it out in your calendar, dedicated time.



Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

What Parents Should Know About Teen Suicide with Emma Benoit

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast! 

In today’s episode I am joined with Emma Benoit.

Today’s conversation is not easy but it isn’t something we can ignore, it is all around us and our teens: suicide. Why is this happening to our kids? How do we stop it? What are the warning signs? Emma speaks on this topic as a teen suicide survivor with an incredible story of God healing her from the inside out.                                                                    

Emma shares the factors surrounding the suicide attempt, how she was saved, physically and spiritually, and encourages us to break down the stigma of mental health, what people think it is and how damaging this stigma was to her. We need to be equipped with these tools from Emma. Let's begin the conversations with our kids, to know what they’re going through, how we can help, and remind them they are loved and have a life worth living. 

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation! 

You can connect with Emma Benoit through Facebook, Instagram, and her website

Watch the trailer for Emma's documentary, My Ascension! You can screen it in your local community, click here.


Call 988 the free, anonymus suicide hotline if you feel suicidal thoughts. 

Nomi, a support services in mental health

You can find support groups on Facebook specific to your healing journey! 



*Bullying can lead to negative thoughts. Cyberbulling is a big problem today. Social media plays a large role in these issues of self esteem and portraying perfection.

*Insecurities, negative self-talk, lies from the Enemy flood our teen's minds (even our own!) causing a constant need for validation and a sense of acceptance. Advice: challenge those lies! Challenge the negative self depricating thoughts. "I am ugly" into "I am beautifully made by God" defeat those lies with truth!

*There is a huge stigma on menthal health. It was the main reason Emma did not seek help. She did not want to be labeled as problematic or attention seeking.



*Figure out and know your kid's "base line" to help determine odd behaviors, out of the ordinary. Examples: too little sleep, sleeping in too much, not eating, eating too much, losing interest in passions.

*Notice tone and manner changes

*Maintain an attitude of genuine concern, instead of becoming accusatory.

*Remind your child: "You have a voice." Creating an environment of no judgement, love, and safety.

*"Everything feels so permenant when you're young" Emma reminds us and our teens that the low points of life are not forever, things will and do get better!

*You are not alone. There is hope and healing in Jesus.


Connect with Somer! 

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

What Parents Should Know About Human Trafficking with Dr. Jessica Peck

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast! 

In today’s episode I am joined with Dr. Jessica Peck.

Dr. Jessica Peck is also known as Dr. Nurse Mama. She is the mom to four teenagers and has been working as a pediatric nurse practitioner in primary care for over the last 20 years. Jessica is also a native Texan and clinical professor at Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing. 

Jessica is an accomplished author of dozens of clinical articles for peer-reviewed journals, is a regular contributor to parenting magazines, and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows to promote the health of children. She advocates for the vulnerable and underserved children, fights against humantrafficking through education, and wrote a book called Behind Closed Doors to help educate, equip and empower families…

This episode is not an easy one. Jessica and I talk about the reality of human trafficking, its many misconceptions, the real risks, and how it can happen to anyone. But Jessica also empowers us with the hope of the Gospel and practical steps you can take to protect your kids. We cannot overstate the importance of this topic, but Jessica and I will take care of your heart along the way.  

Thank you for being here today. Now, let's dive into the conversation! 

You can connect with Jessica through Facebook, Instagram, and her website

You can also order her book, Behind Closed Doors! 



*Less than 5% of human-trafficking cases were from kidnappings. The majority of cases are from grooming tactics, meaning the child knew the person who recruited them and trusted them.

*Recruitment typically happens online through social media.

*The kids most at risk are: people of color, gender non-conforming, and with combined risk factors.

*Risk factor examples: mental health struggles, eating disorders, difficult home life, poverty, history of sexual abuse, learning disability. Anything that makes the child vulnerable, a recruiter can use.

*Children in fostercare are at high risk and do not have healthy relationships modeled to them. And children in foster care can get lost in the cracks of the system.

*Human traficking is a sophisticated machine and business. It has moved from the streets to the smart phone.

*There is healing and there is hope in the Gospel. Parents, it's not your fault if this happened or happens. And for your child: God loves you, God knows you, and God weeps for you.

*Maybe you notice these warning signs in your kid's friends. See something, say something. 


-Jessica's 5 Simple Safety Tips to protect your kids online

*NO kids under the age of 13 should have a social media account. The Federal Government has legislation to protect kids by making social media companies ask you're over the age of 13. If they click the box saying they are, when they aren't, you're disregarding that safety rule. 

*Social media profiles should be PRIVATE. The default on many platforms is public and most kids don't know how to change the setting or that it exists. A public account means anyone can find your child online and all of the child's information they're posting: where they go to school, their friends, hobbies, relationship status, etc. 

*Kids profile pictures should not look like a minor. Instead of a personal picture or selfie, think about using a cute animal or geometric graphic of symbol. A Human-Trafficking Recruiter will ignore those. 

*Disable geotagging! There is metadata in your photos which the recruiters can use to know exactly where your child is, depending on their pictures. 

*Do not "friend" someone you do not know! Even if they're a "friend of a friend" or someone you met online and seems trustworthy. Don't do it! 

-Model healthy relationships for your child and talk about what a healthy friendship looks like. For example: no friend will ask you to take off your clothes or make you feel uncomfortable! 

-Pray for your kids! Pray for them outloud so they can hear how much you love and care for them. Make your home a safe place, where your child can admit when something happened. 


Unbound Now Houston Free Training 

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-3737-888

We challenge YOU to share organizations in the comment section! Let's share hope!


Connect with Somer! 

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.