The True Cause of Divorce

About 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. There are many reasons given, but just about every single divorce boils down to one common denominator. Listen as Jay explains how dangerous hardness of the heart is in a marriage. Then walk through these questions in your own marriage:

- Am I being honest with myself, really?

- Who am I receiving council from?

- Are my ears hard?

- How have I contributed to the current state of our marriage?

- What’s at stake? Have I counted the costs?

- When I made my vows to my spouse and God, did I intend for this current issue to be an exception?

- Am I believing the gospel in my marriage?

- What is the major step of repentance or the baby step of resolution God is calling me to take?

Resources Mentioned:

Listen to last week's episode, "Broken Marriages Can Heal with Steve and Lisa Goldberg":

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Broken Marriages Can Heal with Steve and Lisa Goldberg

On the outside, Steve & Lisa Goldberg looked like the perfect couple. On the inside, they were miserable. This reality had slowly been building in the first six years of our marriage. It exploded with revelations of resentment, betrayal, brokenness, and fear. But God welcomed a prodigal daughter home, saved one of His own and restored a marriage. Listen to Steve and Lisa share their transparent story of failure, redemption, and restoration.

Steve & Lisa founded Side By Side, a nonprofit organization inspiring and encouraging couples to value, nurture and restore their marriages. Their deepest desire is to see all marriages God-centered and thriving. Over 90% of the couples Side By Side has served have reconciled marriages!They live in Raleigh, NC where Steve is a Worship Pastor and Lisa is the Executive Director of Side By Side. They have a fun-loving 8 year-old son and a rowdy Shih Tzu.

Bitterness, Forgiveness, and Restoration with Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins

There is a sense in which every single one of our homes is a broken home, because we’ve all been marred by the brokenness that sin causes. Pastor Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins join me for the final episode in my Parenting Challenges series, as we explore a gospel based understanding of forgiveness, bitterness, and restoration. As we learn to be parents who model forgiveness in our own lives, we secure a platform to have crucial conversations with our children on the power of releasing others from their wrongs.


Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins have been married for twenty-six years and have eight children: James (Reilly), Daniel (Mary-Madison), Jeremiah, Isaac, Stephen, Anna Kate, Mary Claire, and Caleb. They have served at Family Church since Jimmy became the lead pastor in July 2008. Under Jimmy’s leadership, Family Church has grown to a network of neighborhood churches in South Florida. The Scroggins family is passionate about Family Church’s mission to build families by helping them discover and pursue God’s design. 

Self Care for Special Needs Familie‪s‬

The challenges facing a special needs family can be crushing. With no end in sight, it’s vitally important to have a plan and strategy for self care as a mom and dad of a special needs child. Today Jay answers a host of questions sent in by parents of special needs children.

From strategies for self care to tips for communication and bonding as a husband and wife, Jay shares the wisdom from his experiences as the parent of a child with cancer and the foster/adoptive parent of several children who experienced severe trauma.

Freedom from the Feelings Freight Train

Feelings are important, but they should not master our lives. As we live in a society that idolizes feelings, we need a way to train ourselves and our children to make healthy decisions not driven by feelings. Jay walks through an exercise that will help you reframe the story around your experiences. By doing so, you can remove feelings from the driver’s seat and make  healthier decisions.

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When Your Child is the Bully with Crystal Paine

Nobody wants to get the call from school that your child is the bully and is being expelled. As a parent you are forced to deal with so many complex emotions at once. What is going on with my child? What does this say about me as a parent? How can I trust God through this struggle? Crystal Paine shares her vulnerable story of how bullying by her child opened the door to her transformed relationship with God.

Guest Bio:

Crystal Paine is the founder of, host of “The Crystal Paine Show” podcast, New York Times bestselling author of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode, and author of MoneyMaking Mom. Her desire is to help women across the globe live with more joy, purpose, and intention in their everyday lives. She lives with her husband and kids in the Nashville, Tennessee area, where she is actively involved in her local church. Crystal’s new book, Love-Centered Parenting: The No-Fail Guide to Launching Your Kids (Bethany House, March 2021) shares her raw account of how she shifted her parenting focus from performance to unconditional love, and transformed her relationships with God, her husband, and her children in the process.


Resources Mentioned








Crystal’s New Book - Love-Centered Parenting:


Sibling Rilvary With Brian Neal

We don’t make it past the fourth chapter of the Bible before sibling rivalry becomes an area of angst and heartbreak for moms and dads. Even if your kids are not as bad as Cain and Able, the arguing, competition, and fighting can be a major drain. Licensed Therapist Brian Neal joins me to discuss the different origins of sibling silvery (including sin), general strategies to bring harmony to your household, and then answers to specific questions from parents (bossy children, fair vs. equal, competing brothers, and more).

Guest Bio:

Brian Neal is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with the state of Delaware and Florida. He completed his undergraduate degree in Aeronautical Technology at Purdue University and received a Master’s of Science degree in

Counseling Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University.

After transitioning from the aerospace industry at 45 years old, Brian gathered experience in counseling by working at a teen treatment center, community-based agency, church counseling center, and now runs his own private practice, True Course Counseling. Brian is a member of the South Florida Association of Christian Counselors and Focus on Family Christian Counselor Network.


Resources Mentioned

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Worry, Anxiety, and Emotional Vocabulary with Sissy Goff

The number of children and teens who experience high levels of anxiety has tripled over the last several years, and that’s before adding in the stress of Covid-19. Author and counselor Sissy Goff shares many of the social and cultural factors contributing to our children’s high levels of anxiety. She also equips parents with tools to help their children lower and manage stress and anxiety, including the development of an emotional vocabulary, perspective, empathy, and resourcefulness. Lastly, we speak on the how the Gospel changes our daily struggles with worry and anxiety.


Guest Bio:

SISSY GOFF, M.Ed., LPC-MHSP is the Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee, where she works alongside her counseling assistant/pet therapist, Lucy the Havanese. Since 1993, she has been helping girls and their parents find confidence in who they are and hope in who God is making them to be, both as individuals and families. Sissy is a sought-after speaker for parenting events and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling Raising Worry-Free Girls and Braver, Stronger, Smarter (for elementary aged girls) and her new release for teenage girls, Brave. Sissy is a regular contributor to various podcasts and publications as well as her own podcast called Raising Boys and Girls. You can find more information and resources at


Resources Mentioned

Sissy’s website:

Sissy’s book - Brave, a Teen Girl’s Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety

Sissy’s book - Are My Kids on Track? The 12 Emotional, Spiritual, and Social Milestones your Child Needs to Reach

Sissy’s Book - Raising Worry Free Girls

Sissy’s Book - Braver, Stronger, Smarter (for elementary aged girls)

Sponsor Affiliate: CP Give Spring drive

Talking To Your Children About Sexuality and Gender Identity with Dr. Sean McDowell

Show Notes:

The speed and intensity of the cultural shift towards affirming every type of sexual attraction and gender identity has left many parents struggling to keep up. Dr. Sean McDowell, a renowned Christian Apologist and author of the new book Chasing Love: Sex, Love, and Relationships in a Confused Culture joins us to help guide moms and dads on how to have grace and truth filled conversations with their children. We discuss the importance of encouraging our kids to trust God, how to gracefully love their LGBTQ friends, and how to respond if our own children are struggling with attractions and identity.

Guest Bio:

Dr. Sean McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith.  Sean is the author and co-author of over twenty books including his newest one, Chasing Love: Sex, Love, and Relationships in a Confused Culture. Sean is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He and his wife Stephanie have three children.

Resources Mentioned www.seanmcdowell.org

Chasing Love: Sex, Love, and Relationships in a Confused Culture: https://

Evidence that Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World -

Critical Conversations: A Christian Parent’s Guide to Discussing

Homosexuality with Teens

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters:

New California Health Standards Lack Diversity, Inclusion, and Openness:

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