It Takes A Village P.1 Self-Directive Services

In Episode 33, we dive into a three-part series called “It Takes A Village” where we discuss the supports we use as a family for our children on the spectrum.

In Part One of this series we discuss Self-Direction Services:

What is it?
Why we utilize it.
And why you need to apply for these services in your state.

Also, we shared with our listeners a big announcement:

We will now be offering weekly episodes. On the off weeks, we will be offering a mini-episode called “A Pinch of Practicality” where we will address a question submitted by a listener.

To ask a question for our “Pinch of Practicality” episode, simply click the link below and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Christmas Questions & Challenges

In Episode 32, Christmas Questions and Challenges, we tackle the most common questions we receive during the holidays:

Does Jesus believe in Santa?

Should Christian families celebrate Santa?

How do we keep Jesus at the center of Christmas?

How do we navigate Christmas as special needs parents and more!

Praying WITH Our Kids feat. Erica Renaud

In Episode 31, we continue our 3-part series on prayer as we pick my good friend Erica Renaud’s brain on ways we can engage in prayer WITH our kids.

Erica Renaud is a powerful speaker, passionate writer and founder of two ongoing prayer initiatives. She speaks at various events and conferences throughout the Northeast. Erica and her husband are active in their congregation leading a regular prayer and worship gathering. Her book "Pray With Me: Help Your Children Engage in Authentic and Powerful Prayer" will be released on April 4, 2023.

You can learn more about praying with our kids and Erica on Instagram @erica.renaud

Praying FOR Our Typical Kids

In Episode 30, we continue our 3-part series on prayer as we discuss with Natalie Runion from Raised to Stay how to pray for our typical kids—especially those who want nothing to do with the church.

Natalie Runion is a pastor’s kid turned pastor, and her husband Tony and their two daughters live in Colorado Spring where she is on staff as the Pastor of Women at New Life Church.

In 2019 after watching many of her peers walk away from the church and their faith, Natalie began Raised to Stay, a ministry for those who have wandered, wondered and wrestled with the Church and the challenges of full-time ministry.

Natalie is a sought after speaker in the local and global Church and is releasing her first book published with David C Cook in Summer 2023!

You can learn more about Raised to Stay on Instagram at @raisedtostay.

Praying FOR Our Special Needs Kids

We all know prayer is important and if we're honest, we often feel guilty for not praying enough.

In Episode 29, we launch a 3-part series on praying for our kids.

This week, we tackle the challenge of praying for our special needs kiddos. Why we do it, how we do it, and the big question: DOES GOD WANT TO HEAL AUTISM?

Surviving Halloween

Whether you’re a special needs parent worrying about sensory overloads and meltdowns or a typical parent praying your kids don’t eat so much candy they puke, we are all hoping to survive Halloween.

But what if instead of hoping for survival, we actually planned ahead and enjoyed this time with our kids?

In Episode 28, we share our tips and tricks for navigating trick-o-treating and even dive into why we as pastors feel to participate in Halloween.

Screen Time

Screen Time.

The word itself seems to conjure up guilt. Maybe you haven’t been the best at monitoring your kid’s electronics. Or maybe you struggle with regulating how many hours you’re staring at your own phone.

At one time or another, we have all been ashamed at how many hours we’ve wasted staring at a screen.

In Episode 27, we share some staggering statistics in regards to technology, while offering The 4 Non-Negotiable’s we set as a family in regards to electronics.

Proloquo2Go App:

iCreate App:

The Lessons Our Kids Teach Us P.3

In Episode 26, we are celebrating our one-year anniversary as the Full Spectrum Parent Podcast by giving away a $50 Amazon gift card to one lucky listener who leaves a review on Apple Podcast.

We also finish our three-part series, "The Lessons Our Kids Teach Us", sharing candidly how God has killed the perfectionist in each of us and used autism to give us a glimpse of his love for every individual.

The Lessons Our Kids Teach Us P.2 feat. Jen Forsthoff

In Episode 25, we continue our 3-part series called “The Lessons Our Kids Teach Us” and this week we had the  privilege of interviewing Jennifer Forsthoff.

Jen is an author, speaker and advocate from Fenton, Michigan.

Jen and her husband are pastors and have 3 children. Their oldest, Charlie, was diagnosed with Trisomy 21 at birth.

As Jen experiences the beauty and challenges of raising Charlie, she speaks out to share her story and strengthen others.

Jen’s books, “Chosen for Charlie” and “Champion for Charlie”, bring a message of hope to parents who are raising a child with special needs.

To learn more about Jen’s ministry and to read the first chapter of “Champion for Charlie” visit: