Ask Anything Part 2

We challenged our listeners to ask us anything and the questions came rolling in.  In Episode 15, we tackle tough parenting questions ranging from how to deal with guilt as a parent to how to keep your kids in their bedrooms at night.  This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

Church Challenges & Kids

As Christian parents, we believe church should be an essential part of our children's lives.

Yet the more kids we had--the more challenging church became.

From the toddler who can't sit still to the teenager on the spectrum, church can be an overwhelming place.

In Episode 14, we speak candidly of our own struggles with our children in the church setting and how we overcame some of these obstacles.

Help! I Can't Stop Yelling At My Kids :(

If we were to set up a confessional for parents, and you could slip behind the curtain and share your “sins”, the one admission we would hear most often is this: “I can’t stop yelling at my kids.”

My husband and I are pastors, yet we lose our cool with our children too.

The chaos of life with little ones feels as if you are a boiling pot of water—the minute you turn up the heat—you find yourself spewing water everywhere and then feeling guilty about it after the fact.

In Episode 13, we share honestly about our own battles with anger and how we have managed our tempers in the midst of raising special needs kids.

IEP's, 504's, and CSE's OH MY!

The day our daughter was diagnosed with autism we entered into a foreign land called Special Education.

In this strange new world, they spoke an entirely different language—spouting jargon and acronyms left and right.

My husband and I felt completely lost.

In Episode 12, we offer 10 tips for tackling your child’s Individualized Education Plan, defining terms, and walking parents through what it’s like to sit in a special education meeting.

And if you would like to learn more about the Parent with Purpose Online Conference and register for the early bird rate of only $29 click here:

Medication and Our Kids

Considering medication for our children is a hot topic. Some families are dead set against the idea, while others swear by them. With so many options, it can be difficult to navigate what is best for our children.

On top of all this, as Christian parents, we are confronted with the stigmas regarding medicine that exists in some circles.

If our children are on medication, does that mean we aren't trusting God?

Are faith and medicine opposed to one another?

In Episode 11, we share the journey our family has made in regards to medication and how we landed on those decisions.

Typical Kids In A Special Needs Family

Raising special needs kids should qualify as an extreme sport. But raising typical children in the midst of these challenges takes parenting to a whole new level.

In Episode 10, we reveal an exclusive interview with a very special guest: our eldest son Jeremiah. Jeremiah describes the challenges he has faced as a typical teen growing up with two siblings who struggle with severe autism.