Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

3 Tips To Survive Summer As A Special Needs Parent

Summer is a time to unwind, travel, and make fun-filled memories with our families. But for special needs parents, summers are often filled with meltdowns, high stress, and extreme exhaustion.

I’m Episode 51, we offer three tips to make the most of summer as special needs parents.

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Pinch of Practicality: Dealing With Rude Commentary

In Episode 50, we answer a listener’s parenting question.
This episode’s question:

“What is the best response to people who notice a marked difference in your child’s behavior and feel comfortable blurting out rude commentary?”

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

10 Words Of Wisdom For Special Needs Moms

In honor of Mother’s Day, we wanted to celebrate the special needs moms who make daily sacrifices, day-in-and-day-out, behind the scenes as you care for your children.

You truly are OUR heroes.

We wish we could shower you all with flowers this Mother’s Day but that doesn’t fit our budget as pastors ;) Instead, we want to offer you 10 Words of Wisdom as you embark on your special needs journey.


Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Pinch of Practicality: When Our Kids Doubt God

In Episode 48, we answer a listener’s parenting question.

This episode’s question:
What do you say to your child when they start questioning God?

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Safety First

As parents, it’s easy to worry about our kid’s safety.

As special needs parents, safety precautions take on a whole new meaning.

In Episode 47, we share our Top Four Safety Recommendations and how we have navigated keeping our five kids out of harm’s way.

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Adaptive Special Needs Car seats: https://saferide4kids.com/blog/special-needs-car-seat/

Baby Car Mirrors: https://www.verywellfamily.com/best-baby-car-mirrors-6362328

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Pinch of Practicality: Potty Training

In Episode 46, we answer a listener’s parenting question.

This episode’s question:

Potty training! What was your experience and what worked/didn’t work?

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

The Do’s and Don’ts of Loving a Family with a Child on the Spectrum

April is Autism Awareness month and for this episode we wanted to do things a little different.

Normally, our shows are geared toward special needs families. But this episode is specifically for friends and relatives who aren’t directly affected by autism but know and love a family with a child on the spectrum.

In Episode 45, we offer seven Do’s and Don’ts to consider when interacting and serving a child with autism and their family.

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Pinch of Practicality: Healing Autism ?

In Episode 44, we answer a listener’s parenting question.
This episode’s question:

Why don’t you talk about ways to heal autism on your podcast?

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

Full Spectrum Parent Podcast

Parenting A Strong-Willed Child

Parenting a strong-willed child is challenging. The more you push them, the harder the push back.

In Episode 43, we share our struggles with our youngest and how we navigate keeping our cool while maintaining our connection with her.

Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network.

To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit www.jessicahurlbut.com