Better questions than, “How was your day at school?”

Written by JJ Campbell
Published on August 25, 2023

Has this scenario played out for you before?

Parent: “How was your day?”

Kid: “Good . . .”


Not the back and forth banter you were looking for, right? While it’s a lovely way to show you care, just asking, “how was your day?” is a little too broad.

So why not try something different?

Here are six inspiring questions to open up conversations with your kids as soon as the car doors are shut and the seatbelts are on:

1. “If you could magically transform your school for a day, what would it look like, and what exciting adventures would you have there?”

2. “If you could have any animal as a classroom pet, which animal would it be, and what funny or incredible things would that pet do during the school day?”

3. “If you were the teacher for a day, what fun subject would you teach the class, and how would you make learning enjoyable and engaging for everyone?”

4. “What is one thing you did today that helped a friend or teacher?”

5. “Tell me something you learned today that made you feel proud. How do you think you can use that knowledge to make the world a better place?

6. “Did you have any situations where you were able to be a light for Jesus today?”

That little chat as you pick them up can make a big difference in their day and strengthen your bond like never before.

Here are a few more tips to make these car ride conversations awesome: 

Be as specific as you can when it comes to your questions. “What did you play during recess?” or “What did you make in art?”

Present open and positive body language. Make sure your arms are relaxed, your shoulders are down, and your eyes light up as soon  as your kids get into the car.

Be fully present. Put your phone away and be totally “there” during the conversation. 

If you want to bring in some more interesting conversations just for fun, I’ve got 10 more off-the-wall questions that everyone can have fun answering—including YOU! 

I hope this helps you have deeper conversations and more fun with your kids!

High-fiving you from over here,
JJ Campbell 

P.S. These questions are great for pick-up, but if you’re looking for specific questions to ask or encouragements for your child at school drop off in the mornings, click here! 

Consider a few extra resources:

Live perfectly imperfect

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JJ Campbell

JJ Campbell is the host of The JJ Campbell Show, a weekly interactive show that helps you have more good times with your family while riding in the car together. These fun activities get everybody talking and laughing and before you know it, strengthening family bonds and making special memories. 

She’s always loved games and gets her best ideas for the show from childhood experiences and playing with her own baby boy, Evan. She says you can make any family experience enjoyable with some creativity and a fun mindset! 

Find her on Instagram @thejjcampbell_ and say hi!

Read more about JJ

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