“Monday from Mom”: How I use the Christian Parenting Prayer Journal

I don’t think anyone would argue that, as moms, our goal is to point our children toward the Lord.  When they are little, we sing “Jesus Loves…

Can I Really Trust God?

I stood in front of the busted-up walls, amazed by all I never knew was behind them. Wires. Pipes. Support beams. Insulation. It all stood out so…

A Time To Rest (Said No Parent Ever)

I’ve never really been a fan of January. Something about the letdown after Christmas, my clothes not fitting, our bank account gasping, pine needles…

What Is Your New Year’s Resolution?

I was very interested to hear the responses when our Sunday School teacher asked the class what our hopes and dreams were for the New Year.…

What All Children Want from Their Parents

My kids love to make lists of things they want. Grocery lists, birthday lists, Christmas lists, mom-to-do lists. There is always a need (or a want…

The Quintessential Christian Mom

Everyone has a story of perseverance. We all have a time in our life that we look back on having been glad we made it through.  I look back…

These Are Some Good Times

Trace Adkins has a popular song titled “You’re Gonna Miss This.” It talks about wishing away certain things in life that actually end up being the…

What Jesus Prayed For His “Kids”

The average person has about fifty thousand thoughts each day.  How many of those thoughts are about our kids? And how many of those thoughts do…

Reflections in the Mirror

April looked intently into the foggy mirror above the bathroom sink. She could not imagine how God could possibly love the person in that…