Raising Sinners

March 24, 2022

Ep. 2.6 : Nothing is Free! Teaching Financial Responsibility to Your Children with Jen and Tom Sherman

Jen and Tom Sherman have been friends of ours for many years.  In fact, Jen was one of our first guests on The Wonder Podcast.  Her love of books and reading culminated recently in her newest venture, and love, BOOKISH, a nonprofit bookstore in Malakoff, Texas.  Tom has been in the residential mortgage lending business for 30 years and is currently branch owner at Benchmark Mortgage.


They have two grown children, Meghan and Thomas.


When we were brainstorming about this topic, Jen and Tom immediately came to mind.  And WOW did they deliver!


Did you know money is talked about A LOT in the Bible! More than almost any other topic.  So, it’s a big deal.  And we need to be talking about it with our children.


Jen and Tom share how they have consistently set aside time in their marriage annually to “get on the same page” financially.  The look at the past, the present and future and plan accordingly.  Then they let their children in on their vision.  This is how they modeled financial responsibility.  They were real and authentic about highs and lows, budgets, giving and the big picture.


Should your teen have a credit card? What about student loans? Stewardship? Budgets? Is it okay to say NO? YES!


“Our kids need to know that NOTHING IS FREE,” Tom Sherman.  Boom.


Want to get in touch with Tom? Ask him some questions?

[email protected]


And checkout BOOKISH!

Instagram: @bookish



We hope you enjoy and are encouraged by this episode of Raising Sinners! God bless you!


Lisa and Chrissie


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Instagram – @talkwithchrissieandlisa



“Raising Sinners” available on Amazon and barnesandnoble.com


(Lisa Clark and Chrissie Dunham host Raising Sinners, a podcast launched September 2021 on Christian Parenting’s Podcast Network.  Lisa is the author of the book, “Raising Sinners” and she and Chrissie co-host The Wonder Podcast, as well. Check it out!)

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About Raising Sinners

It all started in 2016 with Lisa Clark’s book, “Raising Sinners,” but she knew there was more to say. The Raising Sinners podcast tackles all the topics and questions parents have about raising their kids! Lisa and her co-host Chrissie Dunham, and the occasional special guest, cover it all: sibling rivalry, dating, and social media, but also discuss raising children who don’t fit the mold and even that pesky “mama guilt.” 

While sin can be fun in the moment, it’s never funny. Lisa and Chrissie walk this line well, finding light and laughter though the difficulties of parenting, but always having pointed, relatable, and reverent discussions that focus on God’s word and what the “manual” has to say about our parenting. 

Lisa and Chrissie have been podcasting together since 2018 through their other show, The Wonder Podcast. You can connect with them on Instagram @talkwithchrissieandlisa.

About Lisa Clark and Chrissie Dunham

Friends for several decades, Lisa Clark and Chrissie Dunham have lots of laughs and giggles teaching and sharing their life experiences on the podcast they co-host, The Wonder Podcast.  It has definitely been their outlet over the past 3 years to share stories, testimonies of God’s faithfulness and provide insights into what God is teaching them during this stage of life.

Adding to that outlet, they’ve joined the Christian Parenting Podcast network recently with the debut of their newest podcast, Raising Sinners. Their backgrounds are similar, having both been raised in Christian homes, college, marriage, and birthed two daughters. Chrissie is definitely the personality of the duo as Lisa laughs at all Chrissie’s jokes and quietly waits for her to take a breath so she can add a thing or two! But the second half of life has proven to be their favorite season thus far.

Empty nesting, grandparenting, time with family and friends, has filled their cup these last few years.  But along with life’s greatest blessings, comes great sorrow, and God has shown up continually, keeping His promises as a faithful, covenant keeping God.  “He walks with us in every season and makes Himself known.”  Chrissie and Lisa speak professionally to church groups, women’s events/conferences, retreats and more.  Lisa’s niche is parenting, and she authored “Raising Sinners” several years ago to chronicle her own parenting journey with an emphasis on biblical parenting.

For more information, please go to www.chrissiedunham.org and www.lisaclarkspeaks.com.


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