Pardon the Mess

March 24, 2022

Ep. 5.12 : Loving our kids unconditionally with Missy Robertson

Have I told you this week how much my family loved Duck Dynasty all those years ago? If not, let me reiterate our love by sharing a few of my favorite Duck Dynasty lines:

I live by my own rules (reviewed, revised, and approved by my wife) . . . but still my own. —Si Robertson 

You can talk any redneck into a challenge. That’s why so many rednecks die in strange ways. —Jase Robertson 

My advice is: Don’t take yourself too seriously, laugh a lot, enjoy your time with family, and appreciate the unique talents of others. Trust in God, love your neighbor, say you’re sorry, forgive, and work hard. —Willie Robertson 

Knowing my love for this family, you can appreciate how excited I am to have Missy Robertson joining us today.  We’re talking about loving our kids unconditionally and her new children’s book written about this important subject. Our conversation also comes at a very interesting time in her life as she and Jace were unexpectedly given custody of a newborn and are working through the details of that. 

Missy has a great word on standing in the gap for people around us and how their family has tried to live missionally before, during, and after the platform of Duck Dynasty. Her words on the importance of the nuclear family (and the attacks on it) are so good, and I’m grateful for the passion she has to speak into it. 

Having talked to so many of the Duck Dynasty crew in the past, I’m now grateful to meet MIssy, and I know you’re going to love her! 


Resources from today’s show: 

Because You’re My Family

Average Boy’s Above-Average Year

Parent Prayer Challenge

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About Pardon the Mess

As parents, we know raising kids is the opposite of neat and tidy. Each day brings wins, losses and valuable lessons. Pardon the Mess is a place where we discuss parenting and faith in a biblical, approachable and relatable way. We may cry and laugh while we learn and grow together in our beautiful mess.

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About Cynthia Yanof

Cynthia is a wife, mother, podcaster, blogger, and everyday girl who is committed to not taking herself too seriously. She hosts the popular MESSmerized podcast, and spends her days laughing, parenting, and praying for her family to chase after their God-sized dreams. Her first book, Life is Messy, God is Good, is available for pre-order now on Amazon! 


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