My seven-year-old blubbered as she cried in much shame and sadness, “Daddy, here, take this money!”  A bit puzzled, I asked, “Why are you giving…

What Jesus Prayed For His “Kids”

The average person has about fifty thousand thoughts each day.  How many of those thoughts are about our kids? And how many of those thoughts do…

Reflections in the Mirror

April looked intently into the foggy mirror above the bathroom sink. She could not imagine how God could possibly love the person in that…

How to calm your anxious teen (and yourself)

When my kids were younger, I remember being very excited when summer was coming to an end. At that stage of my life, in the trenches of raising…

Practical Help for Parents Raising Teens

Parenting is not for the faint at heart, and parenting teens emphasizes this reality.  If you are in the midst of raising teens, you know…

Dear August Mom,

I feel you. It happens to all of us at least once or twice over the years. There are plenty of feel-good summer articles flooding our social media,…

Have You Talked About It?

A whirlwind of swimming, road trips, sunshine, popsicles, and lazy days, and here we are again . . . talking about backpacks.  While you…

To My Third Child: I’m Sorry, Not Sorry

As I watch you dressing up the dog to play superhero with you (again), I think an apology might be in order.  So, here it goes:  I’m…

Protected or Prepared?

Should we protect our kids from the news of a mass shooting or prepare them for the possibility? Most schools have implemented a plan and will…