Hockey, Slurpees, and Jesus: Everyday faith adventures with our kids

Ice-level hockey in face masks. That was this season.  With use of distancing on benches, strict rink regulations, juggling gearing up outdoors in…

Giving ourselves grace

I recently received an email invitation for a gathering to encourage women in younger life stages about womanly issues, specifically “embracing…

How to talk to your kids about depression and suicide: Three questions for parents to ask

A recent survey by Active Minds found that 80 percent of college students have experienced some negative impact to their mental health during the…

Self-care tips for parents of special needs children

One weekend in the spring of 2014, my five-year-old son spiked a little fever. By Monday, that fever had jumped to 105 degrees, and he could barely…

The perfectly imperfect puzzle: Working with what God has given you today

I was laying in bed late one night, and I heard a message come in on my phone. It was from my fourteen-year-old daughter. The gist of it is that she…

The higher the walls the taller the ladders: How to teach a biblical worldview to your elementary-aged kids

The Lord has given me a unique perspective as a mother of three elementary-aged girls. I’ve been teaching high school English and Bible for fourteen…

How to Pray for Your Unborn Child

1) Pray that your child would know he or she is an image bearer of God. Whether you are a brand-new mother or a mother of twelve, it is astonishing…

Three things your kids need today

I’ve been counseling children and families for 28 years. In the last decade, I’ve never seen anything soar like the rates of anxiety among kids. As…

Authenticity Anyone?

The longer I walk this earth and parent and spend time with people, the more I realize how desperately we crave authenticity in our relationships.…