Three powerful strategies for helping our grands understand God’s truth

I (Shellie) imagine we’ve all heard teachings on how important it is to “think about what you’re thinking about.”  If we’ve spent any time at all in…

Adoption and foster care isn’t a have to—it’s a get to

My adopted son popped his sopping wet hand out through the shower curtain, straining as if trying to grasp something.  “Isaac, what do you need?”…

Thankfulness is not a feeling

I have been sitting with my computer open in my lap for over an hour. I have typed and deleted. And typed some more—and deleted it again.  Seriously,…

Helping your child with lying

Helping your child with lying

Did you know that honesty and truth telling are part of living a blessed life (Psalm 34:12–13)? But we still lie. Why is that? Often it’s because we…

Five ways to actually get God’s word into your heart

Reading the Bible can be intimidating. Sometimes I feel like I’m reading words that go in one eye and out the other. And at church, the words of the…

Raise the child you have, not the child you want

I have a friend who learned her daughter had cancer after her visit to the pediatrician when she was 2-years-old. Her blood work was off, and this…

Remember when summer was relaxing?

It’s clearly a new day when it comes to planning out our kids’ summer. My memory may fail me, but I can’t remember one time when I overheard my…

A Tale of Two Brothers

Have you ever heard of Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage? During the latter half of the 1800s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.…

Surrendering our children to God means surrendering their entitled lives

Surrendering our children to God means surrendering their entitled lives

It was by all accounts an idyllic day.  The sky arching over the ocean was clear, cerulean blue after a week of heavy clouds and drenching afternoon…