Developing thankfulness in difficulty

It’s so easy to be thankful in good times—when the job market is good, when you’re able to go on a nice family vacation, or when everyone is healthy…

Choosing gratitude

Choosing gratitude

“Ok, let’s all say what we’re grateful for,” my dad smiles in delight. It’s Thanksgiving Day, and we’re continuing our annual tradition. We slowly…

How God fills our hearts: And a special Valentine’s dessert

How God fills our hearts & a special Valentine’s dessert

Ever wonder why we can achieve goals or obtain coveted material possessions, yet still feel like something is missing? There are many things in life…

Sharing more than presents this Christmas

Sharing more than presents this Christmas

During the holiday season, it seems the “to-do” list takes on a new meaning. It consistently grows a little bit longer as the hours and the days…

How to give your kids confidence that the Christmas story is true

I used to work for a charity that taught seven to eleven year-olds the Bible in local schools in London. Some were Christian schools; most were not.…

How to awaken your heart anew this holiday season

How to awaken your heart anew this holiday season

Holiday lights, party invitations, and festive recipes call out in unison to our deepest desires for comfort and joy this time of year. Sweet…

Grateful in the small moments

Grateful in the small moments

Cranberry sauce may not be the star of the Thanksgiving table, but it is still an integral part of the dinner. This simple unassuming side can also…

Four ways to connect with your kids this Thanksgiving

Four ways to connect with your kids this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving evokes lots of wonderful memories for me. As a kid, my family would gather at my grandmother’s where the cousins would watch the…

Eight easy gratitude activities for families

Eight easy gratitude activities for families

Thanksgiving - the holiday of gratitude and thankfulness!  The call to gratitude existed long before the first Thanksgiving meal between pilgrims…