3 ways to guide your children to emotional wholeness

3 ways to guide your children to emotional wholeness

It felt like the world was falling apart around me. I had just gotten home from a long day of seeing clients, and all I wanted was a shower,…

Helping our kids develop a Biblical worldview through time in nature

Helping our kids develop a Biblical worldview through time in nature

Fielding our kids’ constant questions can be downright disorienting, not to mention exhausting. Yet when they come to us with questions about the…

Shaping Christian virtue through reading aloud

Shaping Christian virtue through reading aloud

Stories have power When my husband and I had three young boys under the age of four, I discovered the captivating effect of books and reading aloud.…

Five ways to prioritize your marriage in the midst of motherhood

Five ways to prioritize your marriage in the midst of motherhood

My husband left his shoes in the middle of the living room floor. I saw them last night—they are hard to miss. He’s a tall guy, and he wears big…

Six ways to help your kids discover God’s glory

Six ways to help your kids discover God’s glory

The word “glory” is mentioned more than 500 times in Scripture. God’s glory is the very essence of who God is; it’s his character. Glory is what sets…

Can there be two “fun parents” in one house?

Can there be two “fun parents” in one house?

In a typical household, one parent is often more serious, organized, and a stickler for rules and routines, while the other is more loose and fun,…

Why I’m Disappointing My Kids This Christmas

Merry Christmas! We hope you are enjoying the season and getting lots of opportunities to enjoy family and friends in spite of the crazy that comes…