Prayers for a Tired Dad

God has always used ordinary people to do remarkable things. That’s where you come in, Dad. You are a man God can use. God knows we are imperfect. And the sooner we dads recognize that fact, the sooner we can exchange those imperfections for His goodness. And isn’t that what you really want? To be more like Him and still rest in His peace, His security, and His blessing?
Here are three prayers for dads tonight.
Tonight we pray for the dad who wants to be the very best
There can be a great deal of satisfaction in being the very best at something. Our own accomplishments take many forms, of course. Many of us have competed for a prize—a job, a raise, or a marathon, perhaps. In all these endeavors, eventually a winner was declared, the most quali- fied earned the promotion, or the most proficient person became “the best.” In life we often experience measuring and judging and eventu- ally a title of some sort. When it comes to your identity as a son of God, “best” is determined by an entirely different standard.
Paul the apostle, no stranger to competition, had an understand- ing of Greek society and knew there was no greater accomplishment than to beat an opponent on a field of endeavor. People remember winners, Paul often wrote in so many words. But he also wrote in his letter to the Philippians, “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (3:13–14 nlt). Paul was clearly reminding his readers that God does not judge His children as if they were in com- petition with one another. Best is not determined by lining up all the other competitors and measuring them against one another. Rather, each person runs their own race toward their own mark.
Dad, you are always pressing forward. You know that you can’t rest on yesterday’s accomplishments. Your high calling is always in front of you. That is how you become your personal best. You press on and become a little better than you were yesterday. You become a little closer to Jesus.
Let’s Pray
Lord, this dad is determined to complete his journey. Give him fresh spiritual eyes so he can see the road in front of him and dedicate tomorrow to You. He knows that Jesus sets the standard that he gets to follow. He isn’t trying to earn his position as a son; he’s simply trying to be the best son and the best reflection of Your Son he can be. Give him strength for his race. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Tonight we pray for the dad who is overwhelmed with life
Jesus had spent a day teaching the multitudes, expounding on the Scriptures, and showing them about the kingdom of heaven in stories. The people would have had Him stay longer, but the day was ending. He told the disciples that since He was tired, they should all retire to a different side of the Sea of Galilee. The sea was surrounded by low mountains; weather could change abruptly and often did. This day was no different. Once the boat with Jesus and the disciples had gone about halfway across the sea, a storm arose that was so strong, the disciples were afraid the boat might sink. Mark 4:37 records, “A fierce windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking over the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped.” The disciples were afraid.
Remember, these were accomplished fishermen who had seen such storms before. But this one scared them to the point that they felt it necessary to warn Jesus of the danger. Scripture continues, “But He was in the stern, sleeping on the cushion. So they woke Him up and said to Him, ‘Teacher! Don’t You care that we’re going to die?’ He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Silence! Be still!’ The wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (vv. 38–39).
The disciples were terrified, but no amount of their panicked pleading would cause Jesus to become alarmed. There wasn’t any- thing they could say or feel that would change His attitude toward the situation or their fear. You may feel like these men. You under- stand how severe storms like the one you’re in can be. But, Dad, Jesus is still in your boat—and just as He confronted the storm, the subject of the disciples’ fears, and supernaturally caused the sea and the wind to return to their natural state, so also can He take authority of all your fears and bring you into the place where you are at peace.
Let’s Pray
Lord, this dad is afraid. All the circumstances of his life have become what feels like a massive storm, and he’s not sure just how he’s going to get across the sea. He’s dealt with trials as they have come, but now, today, he’s not sure he can manage. And there doesn’t appear to be any relief in sight. This dad’s confidence in You can help him overcome each and every obstacle he faces. Show him how to get through each day and calm his fears for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Tonight we pray for the dad who gets to try again
We have all made mistakes, gotten it wrong, and had to turn around and say that we need to try again. When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, the good news is He always gives us the chance to keep going and not get stuck in what we might consider failures.
In John 21, we read a story about Peter. Peter did what many of us might consider the unthinkable. He denied that he’d ever known Jesus. Peter knew the truth, but when Jesus was going to the cross, Peter disavowed who Jesus was and, in so doing, his own destiny as one who would continue His work.
It’s natural to think that after this event, in Peter’s mind at least, he was damaged goods and certainly of no earthly or heavenly use to Jesus. But after Jesus rose from the dead, they met again on a beach and all was restored. While the disciples were out fishing, Jesus called to them from shore. John 21:7 says, “Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea” (nkjv). Peter was bold enough to look Jesus in His eyes and tell Him he remembered what He had asked him to do, and that if given another chance, he would do it well.
Every day we have the same opportunity. Whether you feel near to Jesus or far from shore, He calls to us all and says, “Will you keep following Me? Will you keep taking care of My sheep?” As a dad, each day you get to decide.
Let’s Pray
Lord, this dad has had trials and setbacks—that’s for sure. After a while, he might see himself as flawed in some manner because he just can’t get out of his own way. And suddenly it’s no longer about just making a mistake here and there. He begins to think he is flawed, and his mistakes become attacks on his attitude and destiny. Lord, help him look for You on the “beaches” of his life and be ready to swim for his destiny. Help him keep his spiritual eyes forward to see what lies ahead. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Taken from Midnight Dad Devotional by Becky Thompson and Dr. Mark Pitts. Copyright© 2021 by Mark Pitts and Becky Thompson. Used by permission of Zondervan.