Loving our families who are raising kids with special needs

As we focus this month on loving what God loves, I’m so excited to shine some much-deserved light on our precious families raising children with special needs. 

Nichole Huggins, Director of Special Needs at Prestonwood Church in Dallas, Texas, joins us as both a mom to a son with special needs as well as one directly engaged in church ministry in this area. 

Today’s podcast is not just for the families in the trenches each day raising children with special needs, but it’s also a much-needed word for those of us who are called to walk alongside and support these families. 

There’s so much in this podcast that I can’t wait for you to hear, but here are a few takeaways you can’t miss: 

  • Even on the hardest days, you have hope, and you are not alone
  • The importance of seizing the God-moments in our parenting
  • Conversations every parent needs to have concerning kids with special needs
  • It’s okay not to be okay

Please take time to listen to this important conversation, and then share it with your friends who need this encouragement today. 

In this with you, 

Cynthia Yanof 

Resources recommended in this podcast: 

Joni and friends

Leading a Special Needs Ministry  

Praying for our kids: Marked by God’s presence

The entire theme of this year’s prayer journal is built around the notion of being “marked” by the things of God. 

In a culture that threatens to mark our kids with anxiety, depression, and social media inundation (and in the midst of a pandemic), we’re praying that our kids will be supernaturally marked only by the things of God.

This week we’re praying for arguably the most significant “marking” in our kids’ lives: that they will be marked by God’s presence. 

The presence of God is a core message from Genesis, with Adam and Eve in the garden, all the way to Revelation and the promise of all eternity with God. Living in God’s presence is significant for our kids because it’s assurance that they are never overlooked, unseen, or insignificant. 

We can find joy no matter what we’re facing in this world because of the presence of Jesus in our lives. 

Join me in praying this over our kids this week. 

Loving what God loves with Lisa Harper

We spent the month of January considering the different areas in our lives that might need some adjustments in a new year. We talked about our parenting, finances, and our physical and spiritual lives in the context of our faith. 

Now as we move into February, we’ve got a month-long focus on love. More specifically, we’re considering how we might better love the things God loves. 

You’re in for a big treat today because Lisa Harper is with us, and she’s amazing. If you haven’t run across her before, suffice it to say she’s hilarious, honest, real, and she really, really loves Jesus. 

There are so many reasons to listen to Pardon the Mess today, but here are just a few topics you don’t want to miss: 

  • Three traps women fall into with their faith
  • Is the gospel really good news this side of heaven?
  • How do we experience abundant life in a turbulent world?
  • Why we need to step into someone else’s story
  • Adoption being God’s megaphone for grace

Oh, and I won’t lie—we covered a few other really important topics like Spanx, bathing suits, and chips and queso. 😜 

Drop what you’re doing and join us as we lean into a month of loving the things God loves! 


In this with you, 

Cynthia Yanof | Pardon the Mess | Christian Parenting 

Check out Lisa Harper’s new devotional! 

Praying for our kids: Marked by purity

“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” (Psalm 119:9 NIV).

This week we’re praying that our kids are marked by purity in their lives.

The idea of raising pure kids in an impure culture can feel like an impossibly tall order as parents. We sometimes mistakenly make purity a goal our kids must achieve, staying away from certain things or even keeping on a prescribed path until the finish line of marriage.

But purity is not an accomplishment—it’s a relationship, as Dan Martin of Pure Hope Ministries shares with us on today’s podcast. 

It’s a relationship with Jesus, who comes to redeem us from the sin of this world and purify us to himself (Titus 2:14). He cleanses us and makes us new creations. He gives hope that is everlasting and brings healing when we fall short.

Join me in praying for our kids to have purity in their physical relationships, in the way they dress, in the motivation behind their actions, in their pursuit of Jesus, and in the music and media that fill their minds.

Let’s also pray that when they fall short, they know that the Lord stands ready to forgive them and give them a new beginning.

Our finances and the money challenge with Art Rainer

We’re wrapping up January by discussing all things money with Art Rainer.

Art has written countless books on this subject and talks with us today about the biggest money mistakes we make.

He also gives suggestions on how to assess the state of our finances and how it’s impacting our marriages.

I love his approach to this sticky subject because it’s all based in Scripture and God’s design for our money.

This month, we’ve blown up the old adage that it’s taboo to talk about religion, politics, or money in mixed company. We’ve hit two of the three areas, and it’s been amazing.

So thankful to kick off 2021 together!

Praying for our kids: Marked by confidence

Today we’re praying for our kids to be marked by confidence. 

As I think back on the mistakes I made growing up, many of those could have been avoided if I would have rooted my confidence in the Lord and not in this world.  

We will talk about practical ways to give our kids confidence in the character of God by pointing them back to our personal “stones of remembrance.” It’s sharing how God’s been faithful in the past to gain confidence in his faithfulness for our future. His character is unchanging.  

And as an aside, I felt oddly compelled to share my mom’s most embarrassing moment as a reminder of how fleeting our earthly confidence can be. It’s really good stuff you can’t afford to miss. 😂 

Remember, when we root our confidence in the things of this world, we will never find satisfaction. Let’s pray that our kids’ confidence comes from the right source: God himself.  

Can’t wait to pray together! 

Your medical questions answered with pediatrician Hillary Lewis

Do you remember all the questions you asked the pediatrician about your first child?  

I remember one particular appointment when my daughter was about six weeks old. 

I showed up at the doctor’s office with a list so long it barely fit in my SUV. The questions seem silly now, but I asked things like: How do I know when to change diaper sizes? (Duh, when the others don’t fit). And how do I know if the crib bedding is overstimulating her? (Thanks a lot, Babywise).  

Bless my heart, and thank goodness for patient pediatricians.  

Today we have the chance to collectively ask our medical questions to Dr. Hillary Lewis. 

Dr. Lewis is a pediatrician in Dallas who loves the Lord and is raising three kids of her own.  

Much like the litany of questions I asked all those years ago of my pediatrician, I’m bombarding her with some of our most common medical questions when it comes to our kids (and not how to determine diaper-sizing).  

We covered topics like: 

  • Physical concerns of COVID 
  • The emotional toll of COVID
  • Acne from masks
  • The COVID vaccine and its implications for our kids
  • Thoughts on the Gardasil vaccine
  • The age we can begin to see signs of ADD/ADHD
  • Balancing faith and science in our families 

I took one for the team and tried to ask the questions we’ve all been wondering about but haven’t actually voiced. Praying it’s as helpful to you as it was for me!


Praying for our kids: Marked by hope

Remember in the book of Numbers when Moses sent the twelve spies into the promised land to scout it out and report back on the status? 

After forty days of reconnaissance, ten of the twelve spies called a kibosh, saying there was no way the Israelites could succeed in taking the land from these giants.

Of course, there were the lone dissenters, Joshua and Caleb, who believed that with God’s help there was hope and even victory awaiting them. The whole debacle left God disappointed with the Israelites (understatement) but also brought to light a bright spot when God applauded Caleb for having a “different spirit.”   

It’s this different spirit we’re talking about in today’s podcast as we pray hope over our children. 

We’ll take a look at Caleb’s life and see how his different spirit came from living with a God-drenched mind, giving hope even in the most hopeless of situations.  

We’re facing an epidemic of anxiety and depression amongst our kids that has gained footing during this pandemic. There’s no better time to be praying that our kids find the hope that comes only from Jesus.  

Let’s anchor our prayer time in this verse this week:

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31). 

Can’t wait to pray together! 

Parenting teenagers with Dr. Ken Wilgus

I’m glad you’re joining us this year on Pardon the Mess as we’re dusting off some areas in life that may need a refresh in 2021. We’re talking about improvements to be made in our spiritual lives, parenting, health, and finances. 

This week, licensed psychologist Ken Wilgus is talking with us about parenting teens. If you don’t have a teen yet, no worries, because you can never prepare too early for navigating the treacherous waters of adolescence (just  kidding—kind of). 

Dr. Wilgus shares his ideas behind “planned emancipation,” the strategy of preparing our kids for adulthood by carefully and progressively letting go of our control in key areas of their lives. 

We talk about this in the context of giving freedom in the music they listen to, the friends they pick, and even the state in which they keep their rooms. 

Brace yourself, it’s going to take a little bit of moxie to make it through some of this! 

As a mother of two teens, I can report firsthand that Dr. Wilgus has a great recipe for helping us raise kids who are prepared for adulthood without driving ourselves (and them) crazy in the process. 

Glad you’re with us today! 

In this with you,

Cynthia Yanof | Pardon the Mess

P.S. - If you haven’t already, take a minute to grab a copy of NOTEWorthyKids: 50 Encouraging Notes Every Child Needs to Receive. I’m so excited about this project and can’t wait for you to get it for your family!