What to do when your preschooler is touching themself

Children begin to discover and learn the differences between boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 4. It is very normal for them to be curious about their bodies. We will guide you through how to help your children understand what their bodies are for, their design and healthy coping mechanisms.


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What do you do when your child lies?

Children lie for a variety of reasons, and it is important to get to the root of lying. Affirm your love for your child, so that they know their actions do not affect your love for them. Join us as we talk through ways to encourage your child to tell the truth, what to do when you catch them in a lie and the importance of setting a good example in truth telling.


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Help! My husband is the fun parent and I do all of the disciplining

Children need to see parents as a team with both participating in the discipline and fun. Join us as we talk through how to encourage your spouse, affirm each other in parenting and explain the “why” behind joint discipline. 



How can I get my kids to listen without yelling?

Yelling works in the short term, but eventually children will ignore the yelling. It is ok to take a parent time-out and calm yourself before you respond to a situation. Join us as we talk through the ACT method and encourage you to acknowledge your child’s emotion, communicate a limit, and target an alternative. 


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How to deal with teens talking back

The teenage years are a developmental stage that require a lot of patience and grace. But, we do not want to normalize or tolerate that teens talk back to their parents. You are helping your children develop a life skill and how we talk to each other is important. Join us as we give you tips on how to react when your tween or teens talk back.


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How do I get my child to listen?

Being consistent and following through on what you say are so important in parenting. They are the keys to building trust and help children feel safe. Join us as we give you practical tips to get your child’s attention and let them know you mean what you say. 


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What age should I let my child have social media?

There is really not a compelling reason for our kids to have social media. The data is clear and there is a direct correlation to all of the mental health issues kids are struggling with and social media. Join us as we talk through why it is important to regulate the overwhelming pressures our kids are facing today by delaying social media as long as possible.


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Talking about gender pronouns and sexuality with our kids

How do we address gender pronouns and sexuality with our kids? As professionals in leadership and therapy we have been processing this with parents and kids for many years. We will encourage you to stay curious, research topics as questions arise and step into these conversations with your children. Your voice as the parent is the key factor in how your children will react to these issues, so remember to approach sensitive topics with truth, grace and gentleness.


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How do I help my children build lasting friendships?

God wired us all differently and some children just need a few friends and others prefer a large circle of friends. Join us as we talk through practical ideas to help your child build lasting friendships. We will also encourage you to affirm your child so that they feel known and seen and will in turn be better at engaging with others.


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