How do I build healthy self-esteem in my children?

How can we raise our children to have a healthy self-esteem and be confident in who God created them to be while still encouraging humility? If we expect perfection and are constantly correcting, this leads to insecurity. Instead, we will encourage you to notice and affirm who your kids are and the gifts that God has given them, so that they will not seek that affirmation elsewhere.

How can I encourage my kids to love people no matter their beliefs?

How do we shield and protect our kids while still encouraging them to have non-Christian friends? Teaching our kids to identify counterfeit by knowing what is real and studying God’s word is the best place to start. We will walk through three tips that will help us get out of our comfort zone while still holding true to our core values and beliefs.

How do I be consistent in discipline?

God gives us limits and guardrails because he loves us, and we need to do the same for our children. Rules without relationships breeds rebellion and relationships without rules breeds entitlement. Join us as we walk through how to find the balance between the two and become the parents God wants us to be.

How do I help my kids make their faith their own?

We take our children to church and read the Bible to them, but how do we help our kids develop real faith? Join us as we seek to recognize that God made each of our children uniquely in order to encourage them to experience God in their own way. Be open about your faith and talk about all that God is doing in your own life and your children will be encouraged to make their faith their own as well.

I want to be a good parent but I am exhausted all of the time

Raising kids is exhausting and balance is an illusion when parenting young children. The order of our priorities should be God, marriage, children, and when we get those out of order, life can feel overwhelming. Quality time with your children is important, but put your guilt aside and remember that your kids do not have to be constantly entertained.

How do I keep from losing my temper and yelling at my children?

The Mattsons give us practical steps for regulating our own emotions before we take them out on our children. When we inevitably mess up, they remind us that owning our responses and asking for forgiveness repairs relationships and models those skills to our children.

My kid is addicted to their phone, help!

More than ever, smartphones are a part of our children’s lives, but they can become addictive and cause more harm than good. What are some steps we can take to set parameters with technology as a family?The Mattsons are in this technology battle with us and remind us that ground rules are important, but relationships and modeling are the most important thing when it comes to teaching our children how to use technology.

How do I help my kids with big emotions?

Parenting teens and the roller coaster of emotions that they experience can be difficult without the right tools to help them along their journey.  The Mattsons show us how to stay calm and keep our children grounded when big emotions are on the rise.  Join us as we learn to mirror emotions, create 5 calming strategies and parent our teens with grace during emotional times.

How young is too young for my kids to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Jeff and Terra kick off episode one of their new series by answering the question every parent wants to know...How young is too young for my kids to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The Mattsons remind us that every child is different and they walk through questions to discuss with kids to help navigate the intimidating subject of dating. Join us as we forgo shame in our parenting and work to have open communication with our children, especially as we cross these big milestones.