The Best of 2020 with Julie Lyles Carr

It's time to look back at 2020 and remember the amazing podcast guests we've had. Here are 10 of your favorite episodes: Lisa Bevere, MyQuillin Smith, Derwin Gray, Natalie Grant, Kathi Lipp, Jamie Grace, Ruth Chou Simons, Kim Walker-Smith, Dharius Daniels, and Brittany Williams! An incredible recap that will remind you of the encouragement of the past year. Will you do us a favor and tell a friend about the podcast and leave a review? It helps people discover the podcast! Happy New Year! Show Notes:

Christmas Devotional with Julie Lyles Carr

We love this special edition of the allmomdoes Podcast where we get to reflect on the past year and encourage you for the year ahead! Take a moment  to be encouraged as we look at the nativity story, the timelessness and timeliness of the birth of Christ that is still relevant for us today. Plus, we have a incredible opportunity for you to be #Chosen with World Vision.

Show Notes:

Using God As Our Measuring Stick and Not Each Other with Melissa Spoelstra

How often have you used what someone else is doing around you as a measuring stick for what you should be doing in your own life? From comparison to competitiveness, we often find ourselves looking to each other to define our calling when we should be looking to how God is calling us. Melissa Spoelstra and Julie Lyles Carr dig into this today with powerful encouragement and hope as we look at how we should be defining ourselves and our lives.

Show Notes:

Pandemic Purpose with Dr. Gregg Jantz

With the rise in anxiety, alcohol consumption, mental health issues, and overeating, we want to give you tools that help you and your family walk through this pandemic in a healthy way and come out the other side stronger and not just beat up and wrung out. Dr. Gregg Jantz of The Center - A Place of Hope joins Julie on this episode with some ways that we can have pandemic purpose.

Show Notes:

Faith, Farming, and Family with Caitlin Henderson

Her new book, Faith, Farming, and Family is coming in January. We are so excited to introduce you to Caitlin Henderson today on episode #152. It is full of Biblical stories from life on the farm, inspiration from her journey to living the farm life, and hope for the path God has you on today. You will love her encouragement about embracing a simpler life and cherishing the time with your kids where you are right now.

Show Notes:

Plucking Grammie's Chin Hair & Other Thanksgiving Stories with Julie Lyles Carr

What did Julie do when her daughter grabbed a tweezer to pluck the chin hair of Grammy during Thanksgiving? Sometimes there is no contingency plan when things happen you don't expect. This and other Thanksgiving stories on episode #151 with Julie Lyles Carr. Show Notes:

Healing for Your Anxious Heart with Becky Thompson

Mom, we have an incredible message for you today. There is hope and healing for your anxious heart. Becky Thompson, author of Peace: Hope and Healing for the Anxious Momma's Heart, joins Julie Lyles Carr on this episode of the allmomdoes podcast. Your life does not have to be defined by your anxiety. It's time to connect to hope.

Show Notes:

Helping Our Children Embrace Opportunity & Faith with Jesse Iwuji

In honor of veteran's day we are so excited to welcome a Naval veteran to the podcast. Jesse Iwuji is the first Active duty US Navy Officer to compete in NASCAR. He is currently one of two african americans in Nascar. He was raised to really embrace opportunity and work really hard. His family came over from Nigeria. He talks about inspiring our sons as they launch into manhood in a significant way, what helped him develop his drive, and how we can come alongside them when they screw up (and they will!).

Show Notes:

Learning To Love Your Story with Heather Dixon

What if you don't love your story and wish you could pick a different one instead? Heather Dixon has an invisible illness that she has learned to live with and still have joy. She has walked through intense anxiety, fear, and chose faith. Join Heather and Julie on #148 of the allmomdoes podcast today with the reminders of how to trust God when it feels impossible to do so.



