Natalie Washington

Natalie Washington is a wife and mother of three who spent the first part of her kid’s lives as a stay-at-home mom. When she returned to the workforce, she fulfilled a years-long dream of acquiring a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy. Shortly thereafter, she was commissioned as a pastor at Friends Church in Yorba Linda, where she now directs the early childhood and elementary ministries for kids ages birth to 5th Grade. She is passionate about equipping parents to be leaders in their households and empowering them to raise kids who have authentic relationships with God and people. She encourages families to cultivate a culture of safety, where forgiveness of self and others abounds. She’s seen difficult situations turned around by the power of grace and believes that it is at the heart of every true human connection. In her free time, she enjoys writing, running, watching her children thrive in the sports they love and seeking God in solitude and reflection.

Posts by: Natalie

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