Dr. Kathy Koch

Dr. Kathy Koch (“cook”) is the Founder of Celebrate Kids. She has influenced thousands of parents, teachers, and children in over 25 countries through keynote messages, seminars, chapels, and other events. She regularly speaks for Care Net, Summit Ministries, the Colson Center, and Teach Them Diligently. Kirk Cameron chose her as an expert in two recent documentaries and she is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio and other radio talk shows and podcasts. Her podcasts Celebrate Kids with Dr. Kathy, Dr. Kathy Says, and Facing the Dark are well received. She is the author of seven books published by Moody Publishers. Dr. Kathy earned a PhD in reading and educational psychology from Purdue University and served as an associate professor, school board member, teacher, and coach all before founding her ministry. She has loved Jesus for years and her faith and desire to serve and glorify God is the foundation of her ministry.

Posts by: Dr. Kathy

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