What if it’s a Category 5?: Finding hope and strength in time of crisis

What if it’s a Category 5? Finding hope in time of crisis

A friend of mine asked me about handling crises with a big picture perspective. And the truth is, sometimes worst-case scenarios do come true.…

Confession in motherhood

Confession in motherhood

On a whim the other day, I asked my three-year-old daughter, “What does mommy say a lot?” I hoped her answer would be something like, “I love you,”…

The cost of controlling our relationships

The cost of controlling our relationships

My middle son, Coen, is constantly breaking his toys. Not on purpose, but by forcing them to bend in directions they were not designed to bend. He…

Overcoming the need to prove yourself

Overcoming the need to prove yourself

It happened again. The overwhelm hit me. In the midst of school starting, schedules changing, and bedtimes shifting, I became half-paralyzed by…

Mothering by faith—not fear

Mothering by faith—not fear

There’s nothing like the moment you first hold your baby. As you caress their tiny fingers and count their tiny toes, a holy awe settles around you.…

Trusting God with our kids

Trusting God with our kids

As parents, our instinct compels us to protect and guard our children from any harm. Whether it’s harm that might come through rejection, failure, or…

Overcoming fear in our parenting

Overcoming fear in our parenting

Our imagination can be used against us Perhaps you can relate to my vivid imagination when it comes to fear? I read Scarlet Hiltibidal’s Afraid of…

The power of music and worship for children

The power of music and worship for children

I believe in the power of music. Practically nothing else is as sticky and powerful as a melody. It enables us to jump back in time to a memory that…

How to fall apart well

 I am a mom of four kids and I just recently learned how to fall apart.  As a young toddler, I lost my dad and older sister in a car wreck. My mom…