Building faith in your teenage daughter to trust the King with her future love

The story is told of a time when a small community was experiencing a drought. It had lasted for some time, and the farmers were struggling. As the…

How to help your teen connect with the Bible

As my daughters get older and increasingly independent, I’m more aware than ever that allowing them to take ownership of their faith is critical.…

How you can have more influence than JoJo Siwa

My wife and I were watching a game show the other day where the winning word was influencer.  We weren’t sure how the contestant was going to get the…

Zero expectations

Expectations... they get me every time.  When expectations are met, life is good. All is well. Everyone is happy. Everyone wins. I love it when life…

Parenting a Middle Schooler with Love

This morning, I sent my daughter off to middle school with a prayer and a kiss on her head. In the past 45 minutes, we laughed, hugged, fussed,…

Land the helicopter

The term helicopter parent was coined in 1969 by Dr. Haim Ginot in his book, Between Parent and Teenager. It refers to a parent who hovers or…

How to avoid overdrafting your teenager’s emotional bank account

I have three young adult daughters, ages twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-three.  By all appearances, they seem to be on a productive and functional…

Letting Go

When it came time for my kids to leave home, to spread their wings, to enter the “adult world,” I didn’t think I had done enough to prepare them.…

‘Meet them with Jesus’: Responding Biblically to Our Kids’ Problems

When people ask me what’s the best parenting advice I’ve been given, I never know what to say because I have the amazing privilege of hearing so…