Where Too Little and Too Much Intersect

We’ve had some large storms in Dallas the last few weeks resulting in downed trees and power outages for extended periods of time. You don’t realize…

Past the Scenic Outlook

Our family loves the mountains. I grew up going to Colorado almost every summer. We have taken our children back there too, and some of my favorite…

Use It For Their Good

Jim’s eyes kept roaming from my face to something in the distance. Before your mind goes to the wrong place, here’s what my husband was looking at.……

If I'm a #MomFail, Can I Still Get to the Parenting Promised Land?

I thought being a mom was the hardest thing I’d ever done until I tried to write an article about being a mom. I’ve been a momma for ten years…

Thoughts Between Potty Training and Life360

Our oldest got her driver’s license recently and is navigating the roads on her own. It’s fairly gut-wrenching when you spend your whole life trying…

Moms—There Are Just No Equals

Mother’s Day is the time-honored holiday where we take a break to honor the moms in our lives. It’s the day when we pamper our moms and wives by…

To the Mom Whose Kid Did Make the Honor Society

Last year around this time, I wrote a blog to the mom whose kid did not make the honor society. Apparently, it struck a chord because it made the…

Do You Know Your Name?

My daughter Kate recently sent me the link to a podcast she wanted me to listen to, saying it was “life-changing.” Let’s be clear, anytime a…

Why Didn’t God Answer My Prayer?

As we continue our series considering tough faith questions our kids ask, it seems to me that questioning why God isn’t answering our prayers is not…