Parenting Today's Teens

April 22, 2024

When Silence Builds Walls

Kids today are bombarded with info in ways previous generations never were. Imagine being a teen now, with nearly unlimited access to the world's knowledge — and its misinformation — through the internet. Open discussions with your kids matter more than ever, and that's what Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd discuss in today's show. They emphasize the importance of encouraging open dialogue on sensitive topics and the dangers of letting silence build walls between parents and teens. Check it out!

If you're a grandparent interested in learning to better connect with the teens in your life, check out the “Leaving a Legacy of Hope” e-course. Enroll today at

Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

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About Parenting Today's Teens

A daily podcast released every weekday, the Parenting Today’s Teens Podcast features Mark Gregston, a parenting expert who has worked with teens and parents for over 45 years. Enlightening, up-to-date, practical, and something every parent would enjoy listening to. Raw at times, challenging at other times, but always hopeful to get your family to a better place in an adolescent culture that is sometimes a little contrary to what you believe and want for your teen.

About Mark Gregston

Mark has taken all the experience he has gained in working in the various youth ministry experiences and developed resources to help parents nationwide. He’s authored 18 books, has written hundreds of articles about parenting teens in a difficult culture, and is also the host of the nationally acclaimed radio program, Parenting Today’s Teens, which was honored to receive the 2014 Program of the Year award from the National Religious Broadcasters. These programs are heard on over 1,700 radio outlets throughout North America.

From his 45 years of experience of working with teens and their families, Mark shares his insight and wisdom through seminars, retreats, and conferences, taking up all his free weekends. Mark’s wit and wisdom, shared through stories and reflections of his involvement with teens brings biblical insight and practical help to all who hear him share his heart about families and teens.

Mark and Jan, have been married for 45 years and have two children, both of whom are married and have blessed them with four wonderful grandchildren. Heartlight is family oriented, and family run. Their children work with them insuring there is always hope and help for families searching for something different in their parenting style.


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