Love Where You Are

December 19, 2022

Ep. 2.50 : What You Didn’t Know About the Manger with Amanda Hope Haley

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast! 

In today’s episode I am welcoming back my friend, THE Red-Haired Archeologist, Amanda Hope Haley. 

Amanda Hope Haley has a bachelor of arts in Religious Studies from Rhodes College and a master of theological studies in Hebrew Scripture and Interpretation from Harvard University.

She is a lover of the Bible–its God, its words, its people, and its history. She writes and podcasts as the Red-Haired Archaeologist, bringing readers and listeners on her journeys to understand artifacts that can contextualize Scripture. She contributed to The Voice Bible as a translator, writer, and editor; and she has been a content editor and ghost writer for popular Christian authors. Last time she was on the podcast, she shared some things we may have missed from our translations of the Bible.

In this episode, Amanda and I discuss the Christmas story and things you didn’t know you didn’t know. Amanda shares about the common traditions surrounding Christmas, such as the nativity scene and the Three Wise Men, that give us a historically inaccurate and misrepresented picture of our savior’s birth.
Amanda and I discussed:
– The historical timeline surrounding the birth of Jesus
– Why Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable
– Where and when our common Christmas traditions began

Thank you for listening today!

You can connect with Amanda  through Facebook, Instagram, and her website!  

You can also find her books on Amazon or wherever you buy your books! They make excellent Christmas presents. 



*The iconic nativity scenes we see all around us this time of year and grew up with, are not historically accurate! But we can still love and appreciate them.

*”There was no room in the inn” is a poor translation… there was room, just where the animals were.

*The “Three Wise Men” may not have even been three! We have no idea how many men came or even when they came. All we know is what they brought and how significant that was.

*The B.C. and A.D. dating system is flawed… it’s contradicted by Scripture! Jesus was born when Harod was alive, and he died before year 1 A.D.

*We may try to look to science and history to “prove” Scripture, but God used miracles for a reason.


Connect with Somer! 

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram!

Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today. 

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About Love Where You Are

Equipping Christian Moms to embrace their season, live life on mission and share Jesus right where they are!

Like a weekly coffee date with the girls, Somer and her guests come together to ask the hard questions, have honest conversations and dive deep into God’s Word. Her heart is to equip and encourage Moms who are seeking to model an authentic Christian walk for their families while also making an impact for the kingdom through love in action wherever God has them in their current season of life. Following the Deuteronomy 6 model, Somer encourages listeners to identify their gifts, talents and current season of life as opportunities to impact the lives of others and bring their children along in the journey reminding us there are opportunities everywhere and every day to love right where you are!

About Somer Colbert

Somer Colbert is a writer, speaker and host of the Love Where You Are podcast. She is the Director of Adoption and Foster Care Ministry at Crosschurch and Connected Champion with the Arkansas Baptist Children and Family Ministries where she creates support, awareness and advocacy for families seeking to serve in the areas of adoption and foster care. She creates weekly podcast episodes and resources to equip and empower Christian families to identify their influence for the gospel in every season, live life on mission and share Jesus right where they are.  Somer is passionate about equipping spiritually healthy families and seeing a movement of God's people step into confidence in their ability to change the world around them through the way they love! 

She resides in Arkansas with her husband, three kids and three dogs. She's obsessed with British docudramas and cooking shows and can always be found with a cup of hot tea in hand. Her life has been forever changed by the love of Jesus, marriage to her favorite person, parenting her crazy crew and walking multiple adoption journeys. 

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