Growing Connected

November 05, 2020

Ep. 3 : “My 4-year-old demands constant attention”

In this episode, we consider a question from a mom with a 4-year-old daughter who demands constant attention, discussing how to help manage her little girl’s needs and requests. 

Here’s the question: 

“My daughter, who is turning 5 in a couple of weeks, is very articulate and emotionally intelligent and consistently communicates to me that she’s not getting enough attention. She is pretty relentless in advocating for and trying to get her way, and is also rarely satisfied when she does, which I find really challenging. For example, I might play with her for hours and then she’ll have a playdate and then our whole family will do something fun together, and at the end of the day she’ll say, ‘You didn’t play with me today.’ I’m worried that her needs aren’t being met that she is harboring growing resentment and some kind of hurt at our inability to give her what she needs.”

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Growing Connected Trailer

October 15, 2020

About Growing Connected

On each Growing Connected podcast, husband and wife team Dr. Jeffrey Olrick and Amy Olrick discuss a listener-submitted question, exploring what the intersection of child development science and faith teach us about issues families are facing. Each episode ends with a God Moment — a story about a time a parent or a child felt God's love in their life in a specific and sometimes inexplicable way.

About Dr. Jeffrey & Amy Olrick

Child psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Olrick and author Amy Olrick are co-authors of the book, The 6 Needs of Every Child: Empowering Parents & Kids through the Science of Connection. Together they run, where they share faith-affirming and scientifically grounded information for parents and kids. They live in New Zealand with their three children.


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