The Boy Mom Podcast with Monica Swanson and Friends

October 19, 2022

Ep. 180 : Live Your Truth and Other Lies we Need to Prepare our Kids for, with Alisa Childers

“Live your truth,” “Follow your heart”, “God wants you to be happy”…the list goes on of popular cultural messages that sound so good…but do not line up with Scripture. As harmless as these memes and messages may seem, they have great potential to lead our kids down a very dangerous path. These cultural messages are not only all over on social media and the world of entertainment, but many of them have found their way into Christian communities.

Alisa Childers, once known for her role in the popular Christian band, ZOEgirl, now spends her time writing and speaking on the topic of apologetics. In her recent book, Live Your Truth and Other Lies, Alisa uncovers the most common lies our kids are being raised with. Many of these lies are candy-coated with just enough truth that we often don’t recognize them. In today’s interview, Alisa tackles some of the most common lies our kids are being confronted with and offers us some helpful perspectives and talking points so that we might teach our kids the Truth.

I can’t think of a more important tool for our kids than the ability to compare cultural messages to God’s Word. Alisa is so helpful on this topic, no matter what age your children, I think you’ll get a lot out of this interview! Find show notes and links to Alisa’s books in show notes:

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About The Monica Swanson Podcast

Monica Swanson, author of Boy Mom and Raising Amazing (releasing 2/21/2023), and blogger at, shares encouragement and inspiration for raising amazing kids and building strong families. Monica shares practical advice and biblical wisdom through honest conversations, interviews with experts, and light-hearted humor.

You can follow Monica on InstagramFacebook, and on her website at

About Monica Swanson

Monica and her husband Dave raise boys and tropical fruit on the North Shore of Oahu.  Monica has homeschooled their four sons (two who are currently in Southern California, one in college, one a recent college grad!)  Monica is the author of Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like their Family, and Do the Dishes without Being Asked (released this week!) as well as  Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You, and host of the Monica Swanson Podcast. Monica has been blogging for over 12 years and has encouraged over 10 million visitors to her website with articles on parenting and family, healthy living, and (mostly) healthy recipes. The Swanson boys are all surfers, (Luke, who is 19, surfs professionally) which keeps Monica on her knees. Monica loves good coffee, running trails with her husband and dog, Thor, the Word of God, and connecting with women all over the world through the crazy gift of the internet.


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