Joy Filled Podcast

April 24, 2024

Easy Ways to Prioritize Health in Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Even in Busy Seasons with Heather Brown

Today we’re talking about whole body health with the lovely Heather Brown. Heather shares her story of postpartum depression and how that was the catalyst to her realizing the importance of not just physical health, but whole body health in our minds, bodies, and spirits. We talk about some of our favorite health deep dives and she also shares some great advice on how to start small and ditch the all or nothing mentality when it comes to your health goals. 





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About The Joy Filled Podcast

In a culture trying to sell us the lie that we should be anything but “just a mom”, Joy Filled exists to come alongside you and help you thrive in this season at home and experience the fullness of joy in the simplicity of homemaking and raising a family. The early years of motherhood are hard, but they’re so so good. I’m determined to give these ‘good old days’ everything I’ve got and I’m bringing you along with me.

We’ll host honest conversations on faith, motherhood, homemaking, and everything in between. My prayer is that you leave encouraged in Christ, equipped to carry the weight of motherhood with joy, and reminded of the truth that God has given you everything you need to steward your arrows well.

There is so much joy here. Let’s experience it together.

About Jenna Griffith

Jenna Griffith is a lifelong Jesus follower, mom of three, and host of a chart-topping Christian motherhood podcast. Jenna is passionate about helping moms experience joy in every season of motherhood and life, because she knows how it feels to live without it. After walking through postpartum depression and anxiety, and feeling as though she was the only one experiencing the struggles she faced, Jenna was determined to come alongside other moms in the same season as her and remind them of two things: they’re never alone, and there is always joy. And with that, The Joy Filled Podcast was born.

Through weekly episodes filled with Gospel centered encouragement and teaching, Jenna helps thousands of women in every season strengthen their relationship with Christ so they can experience the purpose, confidence, and joy that is only found in Him; making them equipped for whatever comes their way in the hard and holy work of motherhood.


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