Love Where You Are

January 02, 2023

Ep. 3.1 : Biblical Brain Science to Start the New Year with Risa Haasbroek

Welcome to the Love Where You Are podcast! 

In today’s episode I am joined with Risa Haasbroek.

Risa is a life-coach who helps entrepreneurs sort through the clutter to focus on the right things in their business and find the route to success. Her teachings empower business transformation and empower individuals to achieve their dreams, just like she did. It all began with her dream to give her teenagers a better life in the United States. But the money exchange rate from South Africa to the U.S. was crippling. Motivated to stay close to her children, Risa started her business and through trial and error, finally became who she is today and now she passes on her lessons to hopeful entrepreneurs. 

In today’s conversation, Somer and Risa talk about the connection between brain science and scripture, negative self-talk, healthy habits, and why New Year’s resolutions typically fail. 

Statistics show that 1 in 4 people will quite their resolution within the first week and as little as 9% of people will succeed in their resolution. Those numbers are not very encouraging but Risa explains why this happens and how our brains follow exactly what God tells us in Scripture.

It turns out, we have more control over our thinking than we realize!

Thank you for being here today. Now, let’s dive into the conversation! 

You can connect with Risa Haasbroek through Facebook, Instagram, and her website

She also has a YouTube channel



*Our brains were designed for surviving the wilderness, they don’t like new things like trying to implement changes to our life: going to the gym, eating healthier, more sleep (some New Year resolutions).

The top New Year resolution for Christian women was reading the Bible more.

It is perfectly normal to struggle in adapting to new changes.

*Our brains have set neuropathways, meaning our old habits are easiest to fall back on and developing new habits, new brain pathways, is not easy. But you CAN do it!

*The Bible, God’s word, is full of things we also find in science! Like the power we have over our own thinking.


*You need to be prepared for the resistance and the challenge. You also have to give yourself patience and grace.

*Remember the WHY behind your resolution. Example: “I want to read my Bible more” but you’re struggling… then remember why you want to do that, reading your Bible more. “Because I want to be closer to God” and lean into that why. Let this WHY motivate you!

*Don’t quit just because you make a mistake!

Keep going, even when you mess up.


Connect with Somer!

Stay connected to Somer and the Love Where You Are podcast through her Facebook & Instagram! Now, go love where you are and live on mission for Jesus today.

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About Love Where You Are

Equipping Christian Moms to embrace their season, live life on mission and share Jesus right where they are!

Like a weekly coffee date with the girls, Somer and her guests come together to ask the hard questions, have honest conversations and dive deep into God’s Word. Her heart is to equip and encourage Moms who are seeking to model an authentic Christian walk for their families while also making an impact for the kingdom through love in action wherever God has them in their current season of life. Following the Deuteronomy 6 model, Somer encourages listeners to identify their gifts, talents and current season of life as opportunities to impact the lives of others and bring their children along in the journey reminding us there are opportunities everywhere and every day to love right where you are!

About Somer Colbert

Somer Colbert is a writer, speaker and host of the Love Where You Are podcast. She is the Director of Adoption and Foster Care Ministry at Crosschurch and Connected Champion with the Arkansas Baptist Children and Family Ministries where she creates support, awareness and advocacy for families seeking to serve in the areas of adoption and foster care. She creates weekly podcast episodes and resources to equip and empower Christian families to identify their influence for the gospel in every season, live life on mission and share Jesus right where they are.  Somer is passionate about equipping spiritually healthy families and seeing a movement of God's people step into confidence in their ability to change the world around them through the way they love! 

She resides in Arkansas with her husband, three kids and three dogs. She's obsessed with British docudramas and cooking shows and can always be found with a cup of hot tea in hand. Her life has been forever changed by the love of Jesus, marriage to her favorite person, parenting her crazy crew and walking multiple adoption journeys. 

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