Three lies we believe as moms struggling with anxiety

Written by Courtney Devich
Published on July 28, 2023

I’ve struggled with anxiety since I was a child. I cannot tell you the exact age it started or how it crept up on me, but I can tell you that looking back at my childhood, it’s been prevalent in my life for as long as I can remember. I began seeking help for the consistent worries in my mind at nineteen and was actually diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Then I became a mom.

Since I saw that positive pregnancy test, my anxiety went from manageable to annoyingly persistent to debilitating. How can a mother not be worried about her children? It’s normal to a certain degree, especially given how scary this world is. However, living as a mom with an anxiety disorder is downright crippling some days.

But I’m not just any mom living with an anxiety disorder—I’m a Christian. And I know what God says about fear. I know where my help comes from (Psalm 121:2), and I know he is all-knowing (1 John 3:20). I know he tells us to trust him, and the thing is, I do. I really do. I know he’s got the world in his hands, and yet, my brain is convinced there’s something to worry about or some way I can be in control.

As a Christian mom struggling with anxiety, there are many lies we believe. Whether they’re lies we’ve been told by others or Satan is whispering them in our ears, they’re still lies.

Here are three of the biggest lies we buy into as moms struggling with anxiety:

  1. Having anxiety means my faith is weak or I’m an awful Christian. There is such a thing as spiritual warfare, and I believe Satan gets happy when we let anxiety take over. Anxiety can creep up if you’re not in the Word or spending enough time with God. Then there are moms who struggle with anxiety disorders. Whether it’s a generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder, they are all diagnosable by a professional. They are categorized as mental health disorders or mental illnesses. And that’s exactly what they are: an illness. There are a lot of illnesses and diseases in this fallen world, and we don’t label them as a faith issue, so why do we assume this with anxiety disorders? Paul says it so beautifully: “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love” (Romans 8:38 NLT). Those fears and worries you have—they’re not going to separate you from God’s love. No way, no how. Plain and simple. If you have any type of anxiety disorder, your brain is the problem, not your faith.
  2. Being a mom with anxiety means I’m a bad mom. Let’s be honest, moms are already hard on themselves. Mom guilt is real, and we’re our worst critic. But when you’re a mom struggling with anxiety, it can make you prone to being controlling, snappy, or irritable. As a result, you may think the worst of yourself. Not to mention, anxiety will twist our brains and convince us we’re going to screw up our kids in some way. As clearly as I can, I’ll say thisn: You are not a bad mom. You may have bad days and moments where your anxiety is at its highest. You may make mistakes here and there, but you’re not a bad mom. Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), and he will do whatever he can to make you believe that.
  3. I have to be strong for my family and just deal with it. Moms often think we have to be strong for everyone else. We feel bad for asking for a break to take care of ourselves, and we think we need to be Superwoman or something. We feel like we have to carry the load, but it’s too much. Anxiety can grow and fester; it can quickly become unmanageable if you do not seek the help you need. You don’t have to be strong all on your own. You don’t have to do it all by yourself and expect to heal on your own. If you’re dealing with debilitating anxiety, it is okay to seek help from a professional. God can use that doctor or therapist to help you. There’s no limit to how God can heal you, so don’t feel like you’ve got to do it all on your own. His power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Your family needs their mama healthy in every respect so you can be your very best for them.


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Courtney Devich

Courtney Devich is the author of “Mama’s Got Anxiety: But It’s Not Going to Steal Her Joy.” She is a mom of littles relying on Jesus and reheated coffee every day (and in that order). Courtney is a former human resources professional, using her leadership skills to manage kids as a stay-at-home mom. Her work has been featured on Her View From Home, For Every Mom, TODAY Parents, among others. You can find her in the Starbucks line at her local Target, binge-watching TV with her husband, or chasing after a kid (or two) at her home in Michigan. You can follow along with her at

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