Developing thankfulness in difficulty

It’s so easy to be thankful in good times—when the job market is good, when you’re able to go on a nice family vacation, or when everyone is healthy…

Grateful in the small moments

Grateful in the small moments

Cranberry sauce may not be the star of the Thanksgiving table, but it is still an integral part of the dinner. This simple unassuming side can also…

Four ways to connect with your kids this Thanksgiving

Four ways to connect with your kids this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving evokes lots of wonderful memories for me. As a kid, my family would gather at my grandmother’s where the cousins would watch the…

Eight easy gratitude activities for families

Eight easy gratitude activities for families

Thanksgiving - the holiday of gratitude and thankfulness!  The call to gratitude existed long before the first Thanksgiving meal between pilgrims…

The practice of giving thanks at all times

The practice of giving thanks at all times

I grew up with the saying, “practice makes perfect.” As I raised my children, this phrase evolved into “practice makes progress.” I guess the shift…

10 Signs Of A Thanksgiving Epic Fail

In anticipation of the big day coming up, I have put together a list to help you determine whether or not your Thanksgiving was an epic fail. Here…

What’s Your Why?

Here it comes. Can you feel it?  It’s the pre-Thanksgiving tidal wave. It’s been looming out there for a few weeks, but it came in like a…