Learning to be present for my children

Learning to be present for my children

When my late wife Chastidy was battling terminal cancer, and the animation studio I helped start was falling apart, I went on my first personal…

Running on empty

Running on empty

I sighed and looked at the gas gauge in my vehicle—ten miles to empty. Oh gas gauge, I thought, I can relate. Why is it always like this? So much to…

Four ways to grow in patience as a parent

Four ways to grow in patience as a parent

Ever felt like you just can’t stop losing it on your kids? Me too. And after a lot of years parenting and coaching families, I’ve realized we can…

How to help friends parenting a child with special needs

How to help friends parenting a child with special needs

As special-needs parents, the demands our children sometimes require of us cause us to muster up a superhero type of strength and independence. Over…

Four ways moms can self-care by attending first to soul-care

“Mom guilt.” We all deal with it. The dishes don’t wash themselves. You just finished cleaning when your child brought the mud pie inside. Let’s face…