Hope for when honoring your parents is hard

Growing up, I had a good relationship with my parents. Honoring and obeying them came relatively easy. But when I hit adulthood, things got…

Determine my steps: Pause, look, consider, and rest in the Lord

His wavy, blonde hair was damp and tousled, and his cheeks were flushed. I couldn’t help but smile at both signs of a quality afternoon nap as he…

Mothering with chronic pain: His grace is sufficient for me

Since being diagnosed with Lyme disease about four years ago, my body has been in a daily wrestling match with chronic pain.  Some days are easier…

Learning and teaching patience

Most nights when it’s not too cold or rainy, our family of three walks down to the shore nearby our home.  Sitting on the rocks or wading in the…

Investing in your marriage is worth the sacrifice

Investing in your marriage is worth the sacrifice

There were 101 reasons why a March getaway with my husband to focus on our marriage didn’t make sense—the kids’ spring activities in full swing, a…

Bitterness, forgiveness, and restoration

People get hurt. People get sad and mad. People get bitter. It happens to adults. It happens to kids. It’s happened to us and it’s happened in our…

Teenagers are church members, too

Teenagers naturally have selective hearing and understanding. They may walk in the obedience their parents call them to, but many haven’t chosen to…

Teaching littles: Family devotions with many activities

When I first got pregnant with our oldest child, I started praying that our babies would know how loved they are by my husband and me, but also by…

When you wish it were different: A special needs mama reflects on the joy and the uncertainty

Cannon turned four years old this week. We celebrated with a family dinner, and his therapist decorated his room with a banner and a few balloons. It…