Teaching Kids to Recognize the Truth, from Lies, about themselves

What our kids believe will create a roadmap for the choices they will make for the rest of their lives. Our kids will face lies in many forms as they grow up – especially lies about who they are and where their worth comes from.  Charity Rios wrote a short children’s book with concepts simple enough for young children to understand, but deep enough to impact adults as well. Today, Charity shares the devastating story that shook her identity, and how through that experience she learned to “tend her heart”.  Now that Charity has four sons, she is teaching them from a young age what it means to tend their hearts – getting to know God in such a way that they recognize His voice, and how it differs from the lies of the enemy.  I think this conversation will equip you to give your kids some of the most important foundations in their identity that could change the course of their life!

Don’t Miss Out! With Jeannie Cunnion

After two incredible books related to parenting, Jeannie Cunnion switched gears to share the greatest parenting tool she has discovered:  The power of the Holy Spirit.  Now Jeannie doesn’t want anyone to miss out on the same power!


Today Jeannie joins us to talk about the benefits of having the Holy Spirit’s daily presence in our life. I love how understandable and practical Jeannie makes things, and I love that when we really grasp the Holy Spirit in our own lives, we can naturally teach our kids to do the same.  This is a powerful conversation and I hope you enjoy!

Growing Slow, with Jennifer Dukes Lee

In a culture that embraces hurry, and many people wear “busy” as a badge of honor, today’s episode with Jennifer Dukes Lee invites us an alternative…one of strategically “growing slow.”  Jennifer discovered these lessons after years of fast-paced, high stress living – a season that led her to a breaking point.

Jennifer says that the lessons she shares in her book, Growing Slow, are the result of unlearning what the world taught her about success and finding the courage to walk in a world that asked her to never stop running.  Wow!  I needed this conversation at least as much as anyone. I think you’ll find Jennifer’s words and heart to be a huge encouragement!

What a Teenage Boy Needs Most from His Mom

7 years ago I wrote a blog post that was read by nearly 2 million people in 2 weeks. That blog post led to many opportunities, including the chance for me to publish my book, Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You, and launch this podcast as well.

This week the Boy Mom Book turns two, and I’m full of thankfulness and a bit of nostalgia. On the podcast today I reflect on all of the steps that led to the book, and for the first time ever, I read the blog post that started it all.  (Pause to wipe tears.)

Thank you for sharing in this special day and be sure to visit show notes for a little party, complete with giveaways and confetti.

Talking to Your Kids about Jesus, with Natasha Crain

Our kids need to know what they believe, and why they believe it.  We, their parents, are the best people to have these conversations!  With two kids in college (a Christian college, no less!) I can tell you that if your kids’ faith has not been challenged during their growing up years (which is probably will be) then it definitely will be when they leave home one day.  Do not leave this up for chance!  Natasha has written a number of books offering help for these most important conversations, and I’ll be linking to all of them in the show notes.  Today we get to dive into conversations about Jesus, and I think you’re going to be encouraged!!

What it Means to Live Freely and Lightly, with Emily Lex

Emily Lex – watercolor artist and popular blogger, joins me today for a candid conversation about her journey from insecurity and anxiety, to quiet confidence and peace.  Facing many of the emotions and struggles common to all of us, Emily found the reward in a renewed sense of identity and strength.  This conversation inspired me so much, and I think you’ll find so many golden nuggets that will bless you, wherever you are in your faith and personal journey!

The Most Important Thing a Parent Can Do. With Brooke McGlothlin

Brooke McGlothlin has become known as a top go-to for all things praying for your kids.  Her interviews in episodes 27 and 42 were some of the most listened to here on the Boy Mom Podcast, and she is back with more inspiration today.  Brooke’s brand new book, Praying Mom: Making Prayer Your First and Best Response to Parenting, just came out and we get a sneak peek into some of the awesome content in the book.  Brooke has such a friendly, encouraging tone, I know you’re going to end this episode feeling built up and inspired!

Treading Boldly through a Pornographic World, with Daniel Weiss and Joshua Glaser

I would put this at the top of the list of most important Boy Mom episodes to listen to!  As we are wrapping up my summer mini-series on Boys and Technology, today we dive into the most concerning issue related to boys and devices: Pornography.  Josh Glaser and Daniel Weiss, authors of Treading Boldly through a Pornographic World, join me to talk about how we can help our kids navigate in this hypersexualized, porn-friendly world we are raising them in. We talk about how parents can protect their kids, as well as how to handle it if we find out they’ve already accessed porn. You’ll find so much empathy and grace as well as practical help and encouragement in this episode.  Please, please spread the word to your friends because hearing this episode could make the difference in a child’s future.

Everything You Need to Navigate Video Games with Your Kids, with Liz Busby

I am beyond thrilled to finally have some answers for everyone who asks me about kids and video games! Liz Busby, a researcher and writer for the Protect Young Minds website, dedicated mom to four, and enthusiastic gamer, joins us today to talk all about kids and video games!  Liz shares the pros and cons of allowing our kids to use video games, precautions to take, resources to turn to, and so much more (including her top recommendations for games families can play together and how they might work in our favor!)  As someone who has mostly kept my own kids off of video games (and encourages other parents to do the same) this was a surprising, fascinating, and fun conversation.