The two nonnegotiables in our house

The two nonnegotiables in our house

Key Verse: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV). I’m the middle kiddo of…

3 Reasons your kid might be treating you disrespectfully

Three reasons your kid might be treating you disrespectfully

I receive some version of this email or message often… Dear Monica… My son is so rude to me… My daughter is disrespectful… My kids don’t listen… My…

Navigating a new family

Navigating a new family

It takes courage to walk into a ready-made family and love someone else’s children…and someone else’s husband. You see, I married a widower with two…

The tug-of-war between parents and adult children

The tug-of-war between parents and adult children

Being the parent of an adult child is like playing tug-of-war.  As a parent, part of you knows when to set your child free to live their own lives.…

How to tackle tough topics with your kids

How to tackle tough topics with your kids

We have a twelve-year-old boy and he is now, more than ever, interested in what’s going on in the world. He wants to know about things like abortion…

Listen “Up”

“I didn’t hear you.” “But I told you three times.” “You don’t have to yell at me.” “I don’t want to, but you won’t listen.” “I’m busy…

Love is a Gift. Respect is Earned.

Our kids understand they are loved unconditionally. We teach them there is nothing they can say or do that will cause us to stop loving them. That…