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Parenting is hard. But a little help can go a long way.

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Resources for all ages and stages of parenting. Always 100% free. Unsubscribe any time.

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What is Christian Parenting?

Christian Parenting empowers parents to raise children who not only know, love, and follow Jesus, but also transform the culture. Our podcast network and other practical resources help parents instill biblical values, nurture character, and foster a deep relationship with God in their children.

Through intentional parenting tools that are rooted in biblical truth, we believe that together, we can raise the next generation of young leaders who will positively impact and shape the world around them, spreading love, truth, and God’s grace.

The Friday Favorites newsletter is a round-up of our resources each week that will help you tackle the hard topics, pray for your family, raise up disciples and have fun with your kids.

The Christian Parenting Podcast Network

Our network of 28+ shows curates the best parenting podcasts to help you leave perfection at the door and help you to become the perfectly imperfect parent God has called you to be. We invite you to explore our network of trusted parenting podcasts today! Oh and don’t worry, we have shows for your kids too.

What Parents Are Saying

“I am so glad I came across your podcast! My daughter started kindergarten this year and this is exactly what I needed” – Kylie

“I love Pardon the Mess podcast so much. It has changed the way I pray for our kids, and fills my soul. I was struggling to fit God into my chaotic full time working life, and I feel fulfilled with this podcast.” – Stephanie

“I am a grandmother of 8. Thank you for making a difference in our lives and our children.” – Jessica

“We are week old parents and going through the adjustments. Thank you for this resource and reminders.” – Eduardo

We’re here with you in the highs and the lows of raising kids.

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