When your calling is quiet: Serving others no matter your season of life

My husband and I settled in for the night and decided we wanted to watch a little something before bed. It had been a long day of work, errands,…


Gift /ˈɡift/ noun something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a present a notable capacity, talent, or…

The pit, the parenting, and the praise: How to model “counting it all joy”

The pit  The pit is something I know all too well.  The pit is vicious, unforgiving, blinding, and, better yet, crippling.  I will spare you the gory…

How to help your teen connect with the Bible

As my daughters get older and increasingly independent, I’m more aware than ever that allowing them to take ownership of their faith is critical.…

Routines, rituals, and sleep: How to create safety at home

There are many aspects of the nature and character of God that I appreciate. I revel in his compassion, I am deeply grateful for his mercy, and I am…

Mamas, our kids will be just fine

Since the day my daughter was born, I’ve desperately wanted to keep her safe from the world. Long before she could even walk, I would randomly burst…

Five ways to overcome decision fatigue

If you stop and think about it, you and your family have been under enormous stress since March and faced with daily decisions that seem to have big…

Wow Your Kids with God’s Good News - 4 ways to help your little ones develop a love and passion for what God has done for them

How would your kids react if you told them you were heading out on a trip to Disney World tomorrow? Would that good news thrill them? I’m guessing…

Replacing the idol of perfection in our planning with the Lord’s purposes

It’s easy to fall into one of two extremes when it comes to planning our days as parents. We either plan to the point of becoming crippled and…