Giving grace instead of advice

Keep the advice—I’ll take the sucker Sometimes mamas need help and advice. But all the time, they need grace.  Once upon a time, at Trader Joes, I…

Hope for when honoring your parents is hard

Growing up, I had a good relationship with my parents. Honoring and obeying them came relatively easy. But when I hit adulthood, things got…

Learning and teaching patience

Most nights when it’s not too cold or rainy, our family of three walks down to the shore nearby our home.  Sitting on the rocks or wading in the…

Teenagers are church members, too

Teenagers naturally have selective hearing and understanding. They may walk in the obedience their parents call them to, but many haven’t chosen to…

Three common myths when it comes to teaching your children the Bible

Let’s be honest, shall we? Studying the Bible as a family can seem intimidating. As the developer of an at-home Bible survey curriculum for families,…

How the discipline of Sabbath rest saved my daughter’s life

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” (Exodus 20:8 ESV). My daughter, Megan, is a senior in college and struggles with perfectionism and…

Time is part of our mortality: 3 ways to make the minutes slow down

Maybe it’s because this is my final year of teaching, so my last class is graduating soon. Maybe it’s because my oldest just turned ten. Regardless,…

Pointing your preschooler to Jesus

Pointing your preschooler to Jesus

I never really thought about it when my wife and I decided to have kids, but within that decision, we were essentially signing up to become teachers,…

Five biblical truths to anchor your children's identity in Christ

Five biblical truths to anchor your children's identity in Christ

I couldn’t help but care about what others thought about me. Did I say the right thing? Were my feelings and thoughts in line with what others…