Widening your family circle through foster care: Five things you need to know

Widening your family circle through foster care: Five things you need to know

“Hey, I hear you’re a foster parent. I’d like to do that one day,” she says eagerly, almost whimsically.  She looks about twenty-six, the same age I…

Three ways to support a family living through a severe childhood illness

Have you ever received that call? You know the one—the dreaded “we heard back from the doctor” call.  When you watch a friend or family member walk…

Four ways moms can self-care by attending first to soul-care

“Mom guilt.” We all deal with it. The dishes don’t wash themselves. You just finished cleaning when your child brought the mud pie inside. Let’s face…

Teaching our kids to respond to children who are different from them

How can we help our children show love and acceptance towards children who are different from them?  Whether it’s a classmate at school, someone they…

Six ways to support families with a child with special needs

You may be living the life of a special needs parent, or you are a caring family member or friend who wants to know your role in connecting and…

Learning to be in the “No”

Every week, there are dozens of opportunities out there rapping on our doors, trying to get us to say yes to a request.  It's that co-worker who…

‘Tis the Season

Ephesians 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so…

Raising grateful kids: Three ways to practice gratitude

When you google “how to raise grateful kids” a plethora of articles come up. Because isn’t that what we do we need to know something really…

Eyes wide, lights shine: Teaching your kids to see others

There is a saying I yell out the door each day to my kids ...it's “eyes wide, lights shine…”  We said it so much that the carpool lady then started…