Backseat Bible Nuggets

January 04, 2023

Ep. 25 : Jesus was Lost

Have you ever been lost? If that’s ever happened to you then you know how scary and confusing it can be for everyone involved!

Well did you know that one time Mary and Joseph lost Jesus? I mean the most important child in the world was LOST! That’s right!

Luke 2:41-52 tells us about the time that Jesus was lost for 3 days. And this was way before they had cell phones to call people or text and ask if anyone had seen Jesus. They just had to go around asking and I’m sure Mary and Joseph were worried sick.

I love thinking about this story right after Christmas where we tend to imagine Jesus so peacefully sleeping in the manger almost like a fairytale. This story reminds us that Jesus lived a normal human life. Sure, He was the savior of the world and He wasn’t worried or scared when He was lost. But, it reminds us of that He was fully human. And that meant that things happened….like being lost. AND that God chose Mary and Joseph knowing full well that they would lose Jesus one day for a few days. Their parenting mess up didn’t disqualify them from being the perfect choice of parents to Jesus. And that’s reassuring to me as a parent, myself!

Okay, here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question to discuss. And, like always…don’t overthink it! The point is to get conversation flowing:

  1. How did Mary and Joseph lose Jesus?
  2. How did Jesus respond to being lost?
  3. What do we learn about Jesus as a 12 year old boy through this story?

Let’s try and learn our verse together. You can repeat after me. “Why were you looking for me? He asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2:49

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Podcast devotionals for Kids. Full of God’s Word. For families on the go.

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About Laura Young

Laura, creator of Backseat Bible Nuggets, is an on-the-go mom of 2 kiddos and desires to see them mature into mighty warriors for the Lord. She and her husband are usually too busy in the morning and too tired at night to have family devotional time. Can I get an amen? Plus, it’s easiest to capture kid’s attention when they are buckled up riding in the car. So why not maximize our transit time and talk about Jesus? Here we go!

Laura grew up in a christian family that took her to church at every opportunity. She was baptized at 8 years old but it was in middle school that she began to fully understand the full weight of sin and all that Jesus has saved her from when He died on the cross. The Lord continued to refine her through high school and college. It was at JH Ranch that she came to understand the fulfilling adventure of walking in the Holy Spirit as she embraced living in an active daily relationship with the Lord. When she graduated with an engineering degree and an MBA, she worked in healthcare doing process improvement. This pushed her out in front of crowds (where she never planned to be!) but laid the groundwork for what God was doing in her life. It was a few years later that the Lord would call her in to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) leadership, where she serves as a Teaching Leader. She has come to learn that walking with the Lord is the most fulfilling adventure and while there are plenty of things that she desires for her children, above all else she knows that nothing is more important than teaching her kiddos about their sweet and powerful Savior.


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