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Dec 10 • 1:0:09
Tending to Your Heart with Alyssa Bethke

Tending to Your Heart with Alyssa Bethke

December 10, 2024 • 1:0:09 • Greta Eskridge

Dont forget to pre-order my new book, Its Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: A Parents Guide to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity. This is the book you need to give you all the tips and tools for keeping your kids safe from the danger and damage pornography can cause. And most importantly, this book will help you feel confident and comfortable having some of the most challenging conversations with your kids. Pre-order it today, right here

What a perfect time to talk to my friend Alyssa Bethke about her new book, When Doing it All is Undoing You: Meeting God in Your Unmet Expectations. The Christmas season feels so full of to-do lists and activities and many, many expectations that are impossible for us to meet and that leaves us feeling like were letting down others and often feel let down ourselves. Alyssa shares her own journey of coming to a place of being undone and what it looked like to draw near to Jesus and His care for her when she began to tend her heart. 

We also talk about the importance of travel, having novelty and wonder in our lives, and peeing in the woods! So take a deep breath and settle in to be encouraged by this episode. I know youll come away from this episode feeling refreshed. 


Where to find Alyssa: 

Find her and her husband Jeffs website here 

Find Alyssa on Instagram here 

Find Alyssas book here 


Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Matt 11:28-30 Come to me,all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Ann Voskcamps gratitude journal here 


Some of my favorite quotes from this episode: 

When I go for my walks, I try to notice one thing that is different or new. It helps me be less distracted and more present, to put away my phone and to ask myself what do I see and what do I feel? Alyssa Bethke 

Being an observant person, a curious person, a person who finds joy in your every day are powerful and important things to make a part of our everyday life. Greta Eskridge 

I felt like it was my responsibility to make sure everyone around me was OK. Alyssa Bethke 

I think you need a season of caring for your heart. Alyssa Bethke 

The goal of life is not to be free of pain but to be more and more intimate with the Lord, and letting Him see us through the pain rather than keep us from the pain. Alyssa Bethke 

Its OK to come undone and come to the end of ourselves because that is where God does His best work in our lives. Alyssa Bethke 

I wanted to live in my ideal life not my reality, but when we are honest with God He will meet us in our reality. Alyssa Bethke 

God always meets us with such grace and kindness. Its His kindness that leads us to repentance. Alyssa Bethke 

We have to ask ourselves, who or what are we doing all this for? What is my legacy? What do I want to leave behind? Greta Eskridge 

Every day I go for a 30 minute walk, without my phone, and Im going to talk to God. And I ask myself, where have I felt Gods presence and where have I not felt Gods presence? This was such a time for me to tend to my heart and commune with Jesus. Alyssa Bethke 

The world is telling you all these things you need to be and do and that is going to leave you disappointed. But instead, by tending your heart and going to Jesus youre going to find the antidote to that anxiety and stress and disappointment. Greta Eskridge 

There is always wonder to behold so go on a wonder hunt! Alyssa Bethke 

The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit


The Greta Eskridge Podcast

With Greta Eskridge
We're living in a time filled with distraction and disconnection from the things that matter most. Things like faith, family, friendship, and childhood innocence feel harder and harder to hold onto. But I believe a joyful, connected life is possible with Jesus's help because he offers us life to the full! It's time to open our eyes to the wonder God has put all around us, so join me each week on The Greta Eskridge Podcast as some of my favorite friends and I explore ways to create connection in our families and chase joy through both the peaks and valleys of parenting and life.
All Episodes:
Feb 4 • 45:22
Making Family Travel Affordable, the Magic of Misadventure and more! with Christina Franco

Hi friends! This is episode 50 of the Greta Eskridge Podcast. If you didnt get to listen to my first interview with Christina, you need to be sure to go back and listen to episode 49. Youll love getting to know Christina and her story better.

In this episode we focused on what Christinas life looks like now as a homeschool mom who loves to travel and adventure with her family, and how she makes it happen.

That is where I think this episode shines!

Youll want to hear what Christina has learned about making family travel doable and affordable as she shares tips with us like: traveling in the off season, and especially midweek, reaching out to hotel and homeowners directly (not through Air B&B!) and exploring your own part of the world with day trips instead of making it an overnight.

And if you feel like travel is impossible for you, remember what I shared about travel with my kids when we didnt have a big, or any, travel budget: I traveled the world by exploring where I lived! You dont have to go far or go big to make your travel count. There is beauty, adventure and inspiration all around you.

There is so much more on this episode: we talked about the magic of misadventure, how it connects us, the time I peed in a trashcan while tent camping in the middle of a lightening storm in Yosemite, apologizing to our kids when we dont handle misadventure well..youre gonna love it!

Where to find Christina:

Find her on Instagram here

Find her media and travel inspo Instagram account here

Find her You Tube channel here

Find her podcast here

Find her Made 2 Homeschool community here

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Find Air B&B here

Find my book on connecting with your kids through adventure right here

Find the Made 2 Homeschool digital conference here

Jan 28 • 44:51
Seeing Gods Hand When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn with Christina Franco

So this episode starts in what appears to be the new way I begin podcasts now--messing up my guests last name. Guys! This is becoming a real problem for me. Insert palm to forehead. But my guest Christina Franco handled it just fine. And you might know Christina Franco better by her Instagram name, Rooted Home Life. Christina is a home schooling mom, a content creator on Instagram and you tube, a lover of travel and adventure.  


The conversation we had planned for this episode was going to focus on Christinas life as those things, but it took a different turn as we talked about her choice to drop out of high school as a teenager, and how she chose a less traditional path for learning. Then we discussed how she became a public high school teacher, went through a divorce, never thought shed marry again, but did, and then eventually became a home schooler. It was such a good conversation about how life may take some unexpected and even difficult turns, but Gods hand is present the whole time. It was beautiful to hear Christina share her story. I just loved this episode, and I know you will too. Enjoy! 


Remember, one of the best ways to show your support for me and this podcast is to leave a review and to share with your friends! I cant tell you how much both of those things help my podcast and my message get out into the world. Would you consider doing one, or both those things today? Thank you! 


Where to find Christina: 

Find her on Instagram here 

Find her media company on Instagram here 

Find her on You Tube here 

Find her podcast here 

Find her Made 2 Homeschool community here 


The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit

Jan 21 • 37:16
Book Q+A with Greta Eskridge

What a joy it is to finally share some bits of my newest book with you! I am so excited that in just 6 weeks youll be able to begin using it to help your families. While this is the book I never wanted to write, I am glad that God gave me the strength and courage to do so. Even more, I am glad that so many of you will have the tools to protect your kids from danger and damage of pornography. I know this book, Its Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: a Parents Handbook to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity, will be a great help to many. I am celebrating that! 


So in advance of the book coming out, and in hopes to help you see all the ways it will be helpful to every parent, teacher, youth worker, aunt, uncle, and anyone who cares about kids, I am answering questions you asked about the book.  


I am also asking you to help me spread the news about the book by sharing my Instagram post about it, sharing this podcast episode, and by pre-ordering the book if you havent already. Your support will get this book into so many more hands! 

If youd like to pre-order the book, below youll find all the places to do so. Thank you for all your help and support. You cant know what it means to me, and far more to the many kids and families whose lives will be touched because of you. 


Where to pre-order my new book: 


Barnes and Noble 

Christian  (currently on sale!) 

Baker Book House  (currently on sale!) 

Thrift Books 


 The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit

Jan 14 • 54:03
Whole Health Living with Elizabeth Parsons

Todays guest is my internet friend, Elizabeth Parsons. I found Elizabeth a few years ago when I ordered some of her elderberry syrup kits and over the years, Ive learned so much from her. 

She is a former pediatric RN, a home-schooling mom to 6 and she runs her own holistic living business. 

Elizabeth helped me learn to pursue natural healing remedies for my family, starting with her elderberry syrup. Her Instagram page is full of truly helpful tips from what to do when your child has a wart, to how to help your child with an ear infection or a burn and so much more. I have learned so much from her in an area of my life and motherhood where I really wanted to grow. 

In this episode Elizabeth and I talk about how she moved from the traditional medical field to a more wholistic, natural led mindset, when there is a place for each. We also talk about her surprise twins born at home, yes really! We cover home schooling, making simple choices to start whole health living and so much more! I loved our conversation, and I know you will too. 

Please be sure to follow Elizabeth so you can start learning from her too. 


Where to find Elizabeth: 

On her website here 

On Instagram here 


Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Find Elisabeths elderberry syrup here 

See the Swaps Highlight in Elizabeths Instagram highlights here 

Find more information on Bible Study Fellowship here 


The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit

Jan 7 • 47:16
French Feast with Madame Lee

Hello friends and happy new year! This is the first episode of 2025 and it is a wonderful one. Before we get to it though, I want to be sure to remind you to pre-order my upcoming book, It's Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: A Parent's Guide to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity. You can place your pre-order here . When you pre-order, you wont pay until the book is sent to you,, youll get the lowest price on the book, and best of all, youll be helping get this book and its vitally important message out into the world! Pre-orders really can do that. The book will release on March 4th, so please get those preorders in today!| 

Now about todays episode. 

I loved talking with my friend, Sue Lee, or Madame Lee, as her French students call her. Sue is a real life friend of mine, a home schooling mom to 3 and a home school French teacher to students all over the US. She is wise and funny, smart and cultured, motivational and kind. Shes just great! 

Sue shares her story of learning 4 languages, and ultimately landing on French as her absolute favorite. She also shares why she believes it is so important for everyone to learn a new language and how doing so opens up worlds of culture, art, food and culture. You will come away from this episode inspired to learn French alongside your kids with Sues new course, French Feast with Madame Lee. I know youll love this episode! Find all the info about Sue and her courses below. 


Where to find Madame Lee: 

On her website here 

On Instagram here 


Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Find French Feast here 

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry here 

The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit

About the Host

Greta Eskridge

Greta Eskridge is a second-generation homeschooler, an author, a speaker, and a podcast host. Greta’s faith in God is the lens through which she sees the world.

Greta loves encouraging parents to pursue joyful, connected parenting. And she is passionate about helping families create connection in a disconnected world through things like purposeful adventures, online safety, and keeping their eyes wide open to wonder. Greta firmly believes that “joy is the serious business of heaven” and is on mission to chase joy through both the peaks and valleys of parenting and life.

Greta lives in sunny southern California with her artist husband, Aaron, and their four kids--1 young adult and 3 teens. Greta loves nature, books and coffee and her favorite place to be is on a hiking trail. 

More from Greta →

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