Guiding my girls as a solo mom

“He won’t walk them down the aisle,” I lamented, a lump lodging in my throat as I watched my girls walk down the street together hand in hand. As…

Four ways moms can self-care by attending first to soul-care

“Mom guilt.” We all deal with it. The dishes don’t wash themselves. You just finished cleaning when your child brought the mud pie inside. Let’s face…

Why aren’t you calling me?

He didn’t ask me to tuck him in last night. I heard the click of his light and waited for the invitation. Silence.  Why wasn’t my Eli calling for me?…

This one choice can make or break your year

I was mad. Hurt. Fed up. Over what? Oh, the usual.  My husband—can’t he see I need some attention? My kids—why are they acting so entitled? Did I…

Having fun is an act of hope

One of my goals this past year was to have more fun.  I am pragmatic to a fault, so I confess, I had to put “fun” on my to-do list. As I write, I can…

3 keys to parenting with Jesus

I was not natural at parenting. While other teen girls were babysitting, I was busy with worldly things. No mama in her right mind would trust me…

Look up, parents: You are seen, known, and chosen

I opened up my Bible next to a window overlooking our backyard and was about to delve into the Gospel of Mark, when I looked up to see a baby deer…

Learning to be in the “No”

Every week, there are dozens of opportunities out there rapping on our doors, trying to get us to say yes to a request.  It's that co-worker who…

Your child’s greatest advocate is not you

As parents, there is a word that carries much meaning and significance as we strive to fulfill our calling to lead our children into the fullness of…