Our true dwelling place: Re-thinking what stability means in parenting

As I look through photos of raising our family on the road, I see nothing normal about it. Nothing screams abnormal like those first couple of years…

Teaching kids about boundaries

Questions parents often ask (or maybe just wonder about):  How do I protect my child from all the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” in this world? How do…

Bitterness, forgiveness, and restoration

People get hurt. People get sad and mad. People get bitter. It happens to adults. It happens to kids. It’s happened to us and it’s happened in our…

Teaching littles: Family devotions with many activities

When I first got pregnant with our oldest child, I started praying that our babies would know how loved they are by my husband and me, but also by…

Got kids in sports? Here’s how to guard your witness

Got kids in sports? Here’s how to guard your witness

Booing. Shouting. Finger-pointing. Adults getting up in one another’s faces, arguing against a call.  All this I have seen—in an elementary school…

Pointing your preschooler to Jesus

Pointing your preschooler to Jesus

I never really thought about it when my wife and I decided to have kids, but within that decision, we were essentially signing up to become teachers,…

Hockey, Slurpees, and Jesus: Everyday faith adventures with our kids

Ice-level hockey in face masks. That was this season.  With use of distancing on benches, strict rink regulations, juggling gearing up outdoors in…

Raising your child to be kind in a divisive world: Three ways to cultivate a selfless mindset

Every parent says life totally changes the moment your first child is born. I can confirm that this is 10,000 percent accurate. My entire perspective…

5 ways to be a better parent and not repeat your parent’s mistakes

I want to be a better parent than my parents were.  I know, it sounds sort of arrogant when I say it out loud. At a minimum, it can appear ungrateful…