What does it mean to steward our gifts well?
Whether you realize it or not, you were given a gift at birth. Admittedly, in some cases (here’s lookin’ at you, Beyonce), you were given many gifts.
Maybe you have an amazing gift to sing or the gift of hospitality. Maybe you are really good at spreadsheets, or you are a talented organizer. Maybe your gift is leadership and shepherding others around you.
Or maybe you are gifted in crafting, art, dancing, driving, and having a great sense of direction. Maybe your strong suit is kindness, smiling, saying the right thing at the right time, or doing hair. The possibilities are endless.
Spiritual gifts: What is your strength?
God, in all his wisdom and creativity, blessed his children with spiritual gifts. We are granted gifts that are to be used to serve others, displaying God’s grace. When we are born again and come into faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit enters our hearts, minds, and bodies.
The Spirit enables us to use our gifts to further the gospel and his Kingdom.
I can sing. But I definitely can’t sing like Whitney Houston.
I can play golf. But I for sure am not Tiger Woods.
I can drive a car. But I am no Danica Patrick.
I can cook. But I’m not Emeril Lagasse.
Why do we have spiritual gifts?
I might not be the best at singing, golfing, driving, or cooking, but discernment—I know that God granted me discernment. And I’ve been able to use it in so many ways. God has also given me the gift of joy and laughter, allowing me to bring light to others when they need it most. God has given me the gift of my voice, used to share how he has impacted my life in countless ways.
When I sit down and think about it, I’m so grateful for the gifts—big and small—that God has gifted to me.
And I’m humbled to know that it’s not about using those gifts to puff me up or build my own kingdom. It is about being a steward of his gifts and serving others with them. It is about displaying God’s goodness and grace.
1 Peter 4:10 says: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” In this context, the word steward is a verb. It is an action. The definition: “A person whose responsibility it is to take care of something.”
So if you know in your heart of hearts that God has given you a gift (or many gifts), and you know that you are called to steward it well, how does that impact how you use your gifts for his Kingdom?
Here’s the reality: All those gifts you’ve been given (big, small, visible, or invisible)—they aren’t for you.
They’re to be used to serve others.
In a culture currently obsessed with “self.” Isn’t it refreshing to shift our focus from self to others? And how countercultural to use our gifts and skills to serve one another!
Use your unique giftings
Our good and mighty God sees you and knows your name.
He goes before you and has given you a gift. Each one of your unique skills is a gift from God that he uniquely offered so that you can serve other people. He is calling you to be a witness and testament of his grace!
I think about all the people who have uniquely served me in life. Their gifts were a manifestation of God’s grace, always appearing at the moment I needed them most.
And then I think about how I can be his hands for other people.
Where are you being called?
Your age, where you are in your walk with Christ, your background, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status do not matter. We are all members of Christ’s body. He can use us for his cause.
Making seemingly distant and small changes in our areas of giftedness is how we serve his Kingdom, one action at a time. You might sponsor a child or donate to a nonprofit, every effort makes a difference.
You have the opportunity to walk alongside people in their hurt and pain. You can play an integral role in their emotional, physical, and spiritual development. And you can encourage the Lord’s sons and daughters to see their value in his eyes.
We were made for more. We were not made to live for ourselves. Be a part of lifting people up in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What gift or gifts has God given you?
God didn’t make any mistakes when he made you. Know that your gifts aren’t going to be wasted—be confident and use them!